Male JAV actors full list (ARCHIVED)

Male JAV actors full list (ARCHIVED)

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4,922,431 views Posted: August 4, 2018

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Av Male dudes list (no particular order): 

大沢真司 – Osawa Shinji
鈴木一徹 - Suzuki ittetsu鈴木一徹 – Suzuki Ittetsu
Born: February 21, 1979
GENJIN THE GOAT 森林原人Genjin Moribayashi
Born: May 26, 1979
Taito Tsukino月野帯人Taito Tsukino
Born: April 24, 1979

SHIMIKEN 清水健Ken Shimizu
Born: September 1, 1979
貞松大輔 – Daisuke Sadamatsu
戸川夏也 戸川夏也 – Natsuya Togawa
Born: 1965
黒田将稔Yūto Kuroda
Born: October 1975

ウルフ田中 – Urufu Tanaka
田淵正浩Masahiro Tabuchi
Born: March 13, 1967
setSune セツネヒデユキ – Setsune Hideyuki (Toru Kurozawa)
Born 1972
服部義Hattori Yoshi
Born: February 22, 1977

大島丈 大島丈 – Ōshima Jō
ピエール剣 – Piēru Ken
沢木和也 沢木和也 – Sawaki Kazuya
沢井亮Ryô Sawai
Born: April 2, 1980

italotakahashi イタリアン高橋 – Italian Takahashi
HANAOKA JITA 花岡じった – Hanaoka jitta
阿川陽志 - Yoshihiro Agawa 阿川陽志 – Yôji Agawa
Born: October 10, 1978
based 南佳也 南佳也 – Yoshiya Minami
Born: January 24, 1971

BASED JUN 小田切ジュン – Jun Odagiri
Born: January 12, 1978
志戸哲也 – Tetsuya Shido
Born: January 7, 1979
BASED dude 久保田裕也 – Yūya Kubota
BASED MUMIN4EVA ムーミン (ムータン) – Mūmin

TOMOHIRO ABE 阿部智広 – Tomohiro Abe
meatball yoshino ミートボール吉野 – Meatball Yoshino Born: July 26, 1973

koshi Koshi

浅見草太 – Asami sōta
IKEDA AV 池田径 – Ikeda Wataru (?)
忍野雅一 – Oshino Masakazu
ēi Takashima イェーイ高島 – ēhy Takashima

OKUMURA 奥村友真 – Okumura Tomo Shin (?)
野島誠 – Nojima Makoto
タツ av タツ – Tatsu

ジャック天野 – Jakku Amano

TAKU GOAT 吉村卓 – Taku Yoshimura
Born: July 23, 1970
今井勇太 - Imai Yūta 今井勇太 – Imai Yūta
山形健 - Ken Yamagata 山形健 – Ken Yamagata
ダイナマイト幸男 – Dainamaito Yukio

BASED BOKKY 杉浦ボッ樹 – Bokki Sugiura
Born: 1972
BASED TOKUDA-SAN 徳田重男 – Shigeo Tokuda
Born: August 18, 1934
tony_ookiトニー大木 – Tony Ooki
Born: December 17, 1971
yamadamanjirou 山田万次郎 – Yamada Manjirō

畑中哲也 - Hatanaka Tetsuya 畑中哲也 – Hatanaka Tetsuya
畑中哲也 – Hatanaka Tetsuya
三浦屋助六 - Sukeroku Miuraya Born 1957 三浦屋助六 – Sukeroku Miuraya
Born: 1957
小池イットク - Koike ittoku 小池イットク – Koike Ittoku

くるみ太郎 - Kurumi Tarō くるみ太郎 – Kurumi Tarō
manboマンボウ – Manbō (?)
佐川銀次 - Sagawa Ginji 佐川銀次 – Sagawa Ginji
澤地真人 – Makoto Sawachi
Born: 1974

山田裕二 - Yūji Yamada Born June 18, 山田裕二 – Yūji Yamada
Born: June 18, 1968
山田伸夫 – Yamada nobuo
富田 - Tomita 富田 – Tomita
金田たかお - Takao Kaneda 金田たかお – Takao Kaneda

タケル - Takeru タケル – Takeru
染島貢 - Someto Mitsugi 染島貢 – Someto Mitsugi(?)
矢吹涼 – Yabuki Ryō
川本英雄 - Hideo Kawamoto 川本英雄 – Hideo Kawamoto

江戸川啓示 – Edogawa Keiji
志良玉弾吾 - Dango Shiratama Born January 12, 1973 志良玉弾吾 – Dango Shiratama
Born: January 12, 1973
天河 - Amakawa 天河 – Amakawa(?)
栗原良 – Kurihara Ryō

小沢徹 - Ozawa Tōru 小沢徹 – Ozawa Tōru
幸野賀一 - Gaichi Kôno Born October 1, 1962 (age 55 years) 幸野賀一 – Gaichi Kôno
Born: October 1, 1962
工藤健太 – Kenta Kudō
Born: May 8, 1974
小野晃 - Ono akira 小野晃 – Ono akira

笹木良一 - Sasaki Ryōichi 笹木良一 – Sasaki Ryōichi
桜井ちんたろう- Sakurai Chintarou
桜木駿 - Hayao Sakuragi 桜木駿 – Hayao Sakuragi
Born: 1973
Kunio Katayama 片山邦生 – Kunio Katayama

一条真斗 - Ichijō masato 一条真斗 – Ichijō masato
まーくん - Ma-Kun まーくん – Ma-Kun
宮崎 – Miyazaki (?)
堀尾 - Horio 堀尾 – Horio (?)

johnnyokamotoav ジョニー岡本 – Johnny Okamoto
横山大輔 - Yokoyama Daisuke 横山大輔 – Yokoyama Daisuke
チャラスヨシムラ - Chara Yoshimura チャラスヨシムラ – Chara Yoshimura
氷崎健人 - Kōri Saki Kento 氷崎健人 – Kōri Saki Kento

頭田光 - Atama Takō 頭田光 – Atama Takō
星出 – Hoshide
渡辺琢磨 - Watanabe Takuma 渡辺琢磨 – Watanabe takuma
=玉木玲 – Tamaki Rei

安大吉 - An Daikichi 安大吉 – An Daikichi
中堀健二 - Nakahori Kenji 中堀健二 – Nakahori Kenji
杉浦隆志 - Takashi Sugiura 杉浦隆志 – Takashi Sugiura
のび太 – Nobita (?)

ジャイアント廣田 - Giant Hirota ジャイアント廣田 – Giant Hirota
学万次郎 - Manabu Manjirō 学万次郎 – Manabu Manjirō
原口 – Haraguchi

岸 – Kishi (?)
冴山トシキ - Sae-san Toshiki 冴山トシキ – Sae-san Toshiki
Goro ゴロー – Goro
杉山(盛山(?)) – Sugiyama

原 – Hara
平井シンジ-Hirai-Shinji 平井シンジ – Hirai Shinji
橋本誠吾 - Hashimoto Seigo 橋本誠吾 – Hashimoto Seigo
松山伸也 - Shinya Matsuyama 松山伸也 – Matsuyama Shinya

日比野達郎 日比野達郎 – Tatsuro Hibino
ゆうき Yuki ゆうき Yuki

yutzuki 結城結弦 – Yūki Yudzuru

中田一平 Nakata Ippei 中田一平 – Nakata Ippei
柏木純吉 - Kashiwagi Junkichi 柏木純吉 – Kashiwagi Junkichi
羽田 - Haneda 羽田 – Haneda
真田京 - Sanada Kyō 真田京 – Sanada Kyō

ザーメン二郎 - Zāmen Jirō ザーメン二郎 – Zāmen Jirō
藍井優太 - Yuta Aii 藍井優太 – Yuta Aii

レフト左 – Refuto hidari

一馬 - Kazuma 一馬 – Kazuma
onosonojun 園田 – Sonoda
井口 - Iguchi 井口 – Iguchi
山本いくお - Yamamoto Iku 山本いくお – Yamamoto Iku

平田司 平田司 – Hirata Tsukasa
盛高見 – Mori Takami
たむらあゆむ - Ayumu Tamura たむらあゆむ – Ayumu Tamura
望月 - Mochidzuki 望月 – Mochidzuki

有馬芳彦 (Yoshihiko Arima) 有馬芳彦 (Yoshihiko Arima)
夏目哉大 (Kanata Natsume) 夏目哉大 (Nayumi Yayai)
今岡爽紫郎 (Shoshiro Imaoka) 今岡爽紫郎 (Shoshiro Imaoka)

東惣介 東惣介 (Sousuke Azuma)
Chiaki Uehara 上原千明 (Chiaki Uehara)
及川大智 及川大智 (Daichi Oikawa)
椎名流生 椎名流生 (Ryusei Shina)

伊佐美 伊佐美 (Isami)
渡部拓哉 渡部拓哉 (Takuya Watabe)
小田涼 小田涼 (Ryo Oda)
一之瀬悠 一之瀬悠 (Yu Ichinose)

松本哲平 松本哲平 (Teppei Matsumoto)
渋谷一星 渋谷一星 (Issei Shibutani)
ジェントル ジェントル (Gentle)
多田ヒロキ 多田ヒロキ (Hiroki Tada)

阿倍健太郎 阿倍健太郎 (Kentaro Abe)
藤木一真 藤木一真 (Kazuma Fujiki)
安藤太一 安藤太一 (Taichi Ando)
中村ダイキ 中村ダイキ (Daiki Nakamura)

虎之介 虎之介 (Toranosuke)
倉橋大賀 倉橋大賀 (Taiga Kurahashi)
安達翼 橘聖人 (Masato Tachibana)

tomas dudeMagnum (AKA Thomas)
dreadlocks(?) AKA Dreadlocks
長谷川直輝 (Naoki Hasegawa) 長谷川直輝 (Naoki Hasegawa)

北澤剛 (Tsuyoshi Kitazawa)

タラオ タラオ
梅田吉雄 梅田吉雄
大塚玉堂 大塚玉堂
えりぐち えりぐち

マッスル澤野 マッスル澤野

Last time I made a very casual post about Japanese male AV actors and it peaked well over 100 comments. I decided to make an extended post covering more actors. The idea of this list. Is to put a face and name to as many Japanese male actors as I could. I also link to their Twitter or other information pages if they are known.

Some guys asked why the males aren’t treated the same as the female counterparts and they not even get tagged by name by DMM. I think the easy answer is that the male actors don’t draw as much as their female counterparts. The 2nd answer is that DMM (FANZA!) isn’t bothering to give it a real shot. So, in reality, it will remain a mystery.

On this website, I indeed noticed that covers with a male actor on the cover don’t draw as much as the covers with girls. Regardless of how good the movie inside was (And some of them were brilliant). Or in other words, yes, there is an interest in the males but not remotely substantial yet.

Anyways, This list is open and will be expanded with more information, and also (somehow) made a sticky. If you guys have extra info or there are mistakes, just let me know:


The idea is to include as many actors as possible in a quick visual guide.

  • Some are retired already.
  • An interrogation mark (?) beside names denotes that information might be wrong.
  • Japanese names come first as they are the “real” name. The English translation is just that, a translation. In many cases just be an approximation. I can’t guarantee the English names to be perfectly correct.
  • Date of birth has been included if known, again, It might not be accurate.
  • I include some links to their Twitter accounts, Wikipedia or blogs if they have.
  • I have no problem helping to identify AV males, but many times I don’t know or don’t remember. If it’s not on this list chances are going to be slim. Rely on this list first.
  • If you guys are going to Google names adding a suffix to the name might help, for example, = ( Japanese name+男,  Name + AV, Name + 男AV, etc.)
  • There might be mistakes. If you notice mistakes or improvements let know and I will fix it. 
  • And If you know more Japanese male pornstars worth to be included, let me know and more info will be added.
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6 years ago

What about porn movie director ? Is there anyone good to follow ?

6 years ago

You know Taiga- Kosakai ? What do you think about his movies ?

4 years ago

What is the name of the weak young man in SSNI-730?

4 years ago


4 years ago

Hello admin, do you know the name actor LULU-007?

3 years ago
Reply to  hito

Any update to this question

3 years ago
Reply to  Jaja

any update about male actor in lulu-007?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jaja

Hello jafet ? Kot pra yatay Ahisha?

jmwll hoxs
2 years ago
Reply to  hito

Please can somebody give what his name is? i really fucking love him my pussy is getting wet because of him!

2 years ago
Reply to  hito

His name is 辻隼人 Tsuji Hayato

No Name
1 year ago
Reply to  hito

Hayato Tsuji

jmwll hoxs
2 years ago

Hi i really love the guy actor of LULU-007 can y’all give what his name is? please im begging!

2 years ago

Admin please what is the name of the actor in ktb 024?in the last scene the nerd small guy please admin..

4 years ago
Reply to  John389


6 years ago


4 years ago

Hello Admin
who is the male actor in NEM-031
i have seen him in many videos he is so very hot.please tell me☹️

2 years ago

Boss do you know male cast of Ktb045

6 years ago
Reply to  fegopatrimoni

It’s really hard to keep track of directors, especially if you don’t speak Japanese. Few websites ever mention the director, and the ones that do are missing the director on half the films. The only way I know directors at all is from But here are four I’ve noticed and really like:

Piero Da – Responsible for some of the greatest films from Minimum, and some other incredibly hot loli stuff. He does great non-loli films too.

Trendy Yamaguchi – Manages to make films with some humor that are also very hot at the same time, which is rare. He does really top-notch work.

Kitorune Kawaguchi – Done a bunch of films I really like.

[Jo] Style – Responsible for a lot of very hot SSNI rapey films.

3 years ago
Reply to  fegopatrimoni

I want to ask somethinq who’s name the old man NSPS 125

2 years ago
Reply to  fegopatrimoni

Boss do you know the male cast of KTB 046 fist male

1 year ago
Reply to  fegopatrimoni

What actor young boy in HONE-277

6 years ago

Seeing this gives us all hope of one day being able to be a male JAV actor! I mean look at some of them, in real life who would even dare to touch them.

I guess they have really good connections or links to have started in the biz? A bit like Nishi-kun right? Controversial but shouldn’t he be considered a male JAV actor?

6 years ago

Another q, what actually happens to the original videos that are uncensored? I assume they are totally erased/destroyed once they have edited in the pixelation. Or is there a secret vault/hard drive they get stored in? 🙂

6 years ago

Any of those Prestige vids leaked out to the public?

Then I can live in hope that someday uncensored Amatsuka Moe videos might appear 🙂

5 years ago

do you know the director Hollywood saburou??? High-Kara /Mousouzoku studio???

Makita Yamaha
5 years ago
Reply to  Domdomdom

The editor guy who applied pixelation is a lucky bastard – we must be friend with him

6 years ago
Reply to  Domdomdom

I agree. JAV actors more realistic to actual guys then America porn stars. JAV male actor are mostly plain and not physically fit. When the last time you see America male actors with big belly under 30?

6 years ago
Reply to  Guest

I would rather see both a hot male and female talent. I don’t watch porn to see regular average looking people have sex. I want to see attractive people. It’s just a turn off seeing a 10/10 female pornstar with a balding dude with crooked teeth, man boobs and a beer belly. That’s why I’m glad to see whenever Yūto Kuroda or Yoshiya Minami show up on screen. They’re fit and goes well with any female star.

Goromi best gurl
5 years ago
Reply to  Jody

This is so me. I don’t know but I also prefer two good looking people fuck each other. It make me less jealous and the girls probably enjoy to be fucked by good looking guys too. I mean do we ever get ugly girls-good looking guys combo…? Yeah… My biggest problem with JAV as a female watcher (I’m probably a rare species xD) who enjoy looking at cute girls is the ugly af bastards come with it. At this point normal looking dudes are fine. Each time I pick a JAV to watch it’s like playing russian roulett.

One thing I must admit I appreciate western porn is most guys are pleasant to the eyes (girls… not so much orz). I enjoys eye candies of both sexes.

If only those guys at Girl’s ch could do some slightly rougher sex too…

5 years ago

100% agree

4 years ago

OMG ME TOO! I kinda feel bad for being so judgy but it’s a big turn off when both parties aren’t decent looking

3 years ago

do you know any hot male actors lol, kinda thirsty

3 years ago

I agree, as a bi girl who loves to see both I wish we had more cute guys to go with cute girls.

3 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Hello Admin
who is the male actor in JUC-425?

3 years ago
Reply to  Domdomdom

You have to work for the Yakuza to be a male JAV star. All these guys are Yakuza members lmao

6 years ago

Ozawa Tōru is the favorite here! Man, he’s the best in drama sequences.

6 years ago

Are JAV male actors obligated to work with transexuals? Genjin has a lot of censored/uncensored stuff with transexuals. Seen others too like Yeah Takashima.

Mr emoji
6 years ago
Reply to  Matsuda


6 years ago
Reply to  Matsuda

Damn true! Even 18 teen girls love his ice melt kiss and fucking

yes! thegreekgirl
5 years ago
Reply to  Matsuda


4 years ago
Reply to  Matsuda


6 years ago

My favorite is Imai Yūta, (or at least I think that’s his photo above). He’s great in loli/JK movies partly because his body is huge, which makes the actresses look even smaller/younger. And he has an easygoing, amused personality, which is a change from the normal intentionally bland or intentionally creepy vibe many male JAV actors have. He’s especially good in the NKKD ‘Your girlfriend is letting me rape her so I won’t beat you up’ series. Two of the films in that series he’s in, NKKD-012 with Atomi Shuri and NKKD-011 with Shiina Sora, are among my favorite JAV’s of all time. —– There’s a somewhat similar male actor I like who I don’t see on the list. He’s got a huge body and an easygoing personality, like Imai Yūta, though he’s much goofier. Two films I know him from are BLK-313 and MIAE-056, both starring Shiina Sora. Finally, I have no idea if the third male I notice and like is one of the photos above. He’s intentionally bland, but he tends to be slow and gentle in his sex scenes in an oddly likable way. Two films I know him from are LOVE-348 (with the notorious uncensored… Read more »

6 years ago

Yeah, the guy from BLK-313 and MIAE-056 is Taku. I didn’t recognize the pic you used, but his blog shows it’s definitely him. I agree with you that he’s funny as all hell. He gets hot performances out of the actresses he works with too. And I love that he sells a personal brand of coffee and curry!

And I’m almost 100% sure you’re correct that the other guy is Sugiyama. His sideburns are the giveaway. I find him to be a unique and noticeable actor in the way his gentleness brings out very, very hot performances from the actresses he works with. He managed to get the hottest performance of Kimiiro Kanon’s career in FSTC-015, and one of the hottest performances of Yazawa Mimi’s career in MCMA-010.

And really, that’s the link for me between Taku, Sugiyama, and Imai Yūta – they make the chicks seem ultra-hot, which is basically the job description for a male JAV actor.

6 years ago
Reply to  Chucky

One thing I love about guys like Imai Yuta and Taku is that they are big, sweaty ojisans with beer bellys and 5 inch dicks yet they are amazing performers and they will always shoot a gazillion ammount of jizz on the girls faces (quite the contrast to some of the more anticlimatic finishes by other AV actors). 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Definiant99

u right

5 years ago
Reply to  Chucky

do you have any personal information about sugiyama please?

4 years ago
Reply to  Chucky

Do you know other JAV of Sugiyama?

4 years ago
Reply to  Curtis杉山/

u can use this website.. contact me on twitter @alijihye

4 years ago
Reply to  Chucky

Hello! Does anyone know the name of the actor in this video?? -> DAWD 120

6 years ago

Hey bro any idea who is in last scene of jux-325 movie…i think he is quite a famouse guy in jav

6 years ago

the last sex scene

2 years ago

Do you know the male lead in SPRD-1372 ?

6 years ago

It is good to make the list and it is not so big as the one for AV female actors, maybe 1/100 or even 1/1,000 of it. Thanks to it we can recognize about 2/3 of them – not so bad. They work very hard, for the success of the movies, right? 😀

6 years ago

I complained about the actors of the commercial cinema and the doramas, always putting Idol men now without stopping they do not know how to act.
But what about male actors in the porn world seems something … surreal. There are each type …
I love the POV movies (I think they are called), where you do not see any actor. I already know some that I can not see from the mania that I have. They always call them as if that gave credit to a movie … sure they give that credit … but the viewer like me can not stand it and good movies that have gone then spoil to appear in the last scene the kind of always …. the old man, the bald, the fat guy, the cool beach … etc
That male porn consumer wants to know something about no actor?
The best movies are those where there are “actors” anonymous where the voice is the woman … as it has to be.

6 years ago

Count me as extremely dubious about JAV for Women ever really happening in a serious way. Folks in the West have been trying to find some way to do porn for women for the last 30 years, and it’s never really taken off. The closest anyone has ever come to doing it was Lars Von Trier, and while his effort had some minor success, they were losing money. I think it’s just more expensive to make and market, and it has a lot less demand.

On the other hand, the JAV industry is so much more advanced than any Western porn industry that if anyone can do porn for women, it’ll have to be Japan, because no one else in the world has the necessary skills. (Have you folks ever tried to watch Western porn? After 45 years, they still haven’t figured out how to combine story and action. 90% of the time they can’t even do a simple fuck scene properly.)

6 years ago

Lol. Yup, anal and face fucking are the only things Western porn does better than JAV. There was a pretty decent industry in Russia from 2005-2015 that did good teen anal / face fucking scenes. Famous-in-Japan Gina Gerson came out of that.

In the USA in the last couple of years, there’s been an interesting attempt to do some loli/JK stuff usually branded as an ‘incest’ theme. And since that stuff *requires* story, they really have to try their best. The problem is that even when you have filmmakers who know what they’re doing, there are literally only 5 girls in the industry who have a young looking body and face, have the acting skills to pull it off, and aren’t covered in tattoos. So you can watch their scenes, and that’s it.

And thanks for the link to the JAV for women stuff. I was right that if anyone can do it, it’s JAV. I just think it’ll always be a small niche, cuz the demand is small.

6 years ago
Reply to  Chucky

I think you are blowing things out of proportion. 1st, There are more than 5 girls in the western porn without tats, so what videos are you are watching? 2nd, western porn do other things besides anal and face fucking well. So again what porn are you watching? 3rd, there are different studios who make decent to good storylines in western porn. Maybe not the same qualities as JAV but you can tell the studios and directors are trying their best. 4th, you left out the fact that american porn viewers aren’t invested in role playing that much. They want quick fucking and almost zero stories. You can blame the viewers and competition for shaping the western porn industry of today. Back in the 70’s, 80’s, and early 2000’s. Many videos had decent to good stories. Nothing will match the quality of JAV but not is good. 1. Copying of brands and producing subpar series. 2. The shy or crazy actresses ending their careers even earlier now. 3. The push of certain girls from the studios who aren’t ready or give bad performances. 4. The over used of plastic surgeries and not natural girls. 5. Better options in Japan for… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Guest

“But I do like JAV more”

I don’t think we’re too far apart on many of your points. But I’ve gotta say it’s crazy that I like JAV a lot more than Western porn given that 1) I don’t speak Japanese, 2) I prefer Northern European girls, 3) The damn censorship.

“american porn viewers aren’t invested in role playing that much … You can blame the viewers and competition”

Here’s the one place I think you’ve got it badly wrong. The early efforts of US porn producers to do real narratives wasn’t killed by lack of consumer interest. The problem was constant legal harassment that kept the industry from gaining a secure financial foothold, and left it in a perpetually tenuous position that led to lowest common denominator production practices.

In short, the legal shakiness of the industry in the US influenced financial incentives, and that is at the heart of why production is so crappy everywhere outside of Japan. There is reason why Mindgeek owns everything outside Japan, rather than a creative company like DMM or SOD.

6 years ago
Reply to  Guest

And one more point:

“There are more than 5 girls in the western porn without tats, so what videos are you are watching?”

My interest in both Western porn and JAV is almost exclusively in loli/JK stuff, or as it’s termed in the West, “teen” or “barely legal”. To do that well, you need young looking girls without tats who can also act the part. Given that the money is so lousy in the West, a lot of girls who fit the bill drop out of the industry within a year, or crucially, never get into the industry in the first place.

Lucy Doll and Lucie Cline lasted less than a year. Lily Rader, Lilly Ford, and Anastasia Knight are rarities. Hannah Hays and Carolina Sweets both have small tats. Hell, standards are so low that I’ve enjoyed Kenzie Reeves and Haley Reed playing ‘young” because they can act the part, even though both are literally covered in tats.

6 years ago
Reply to  Chucky

The real problem is that girls aren’t truly even given the chance to “act the part” to begin with. I was in the industry for a short amount of time and while shooting a g/g (milf/teen) scene I was told that I wasn’t allowed to be submissive and had to take the initiative when given a “teen” role. Unfortunately companies in the western industry have to maintain “political correctness” so it’s always going to be really boring lol

4 years ago
Reply to  Chucky

actually back in the 60′ and esepcially 70’s and 80’s western porn did have action and sex. Those were some of the best genre of western porn

6 years ago

Hi Love your website. Do you know how cocasion people can act in AV movies.
I saw few with showing faces of them. Sometimes I just dream to be one in a constant shootout movie for example 🙂

6 years ago

Hey bro any idea who is in last sex scene of jux-325 movie…i think he is quite a famouse guy in jav

6 years ago

Hello,.your original male actor’s blog,brought me to register here at “Jav.Guru”..I figured, these fans,know their stuff,and you really out did yourself,with this new extensive list,of actor’s..By far, “Sagawa Ginji”,is my favorite,and I’m thrilled to finally place a name,to his face.he’s followed by an older gentleman (with many years in the industry),that’s not on either of your list.he’s on the cover of both NSPS-587 & NSPS-599.

4 years ago
Reply to  Uxnome

Hey Bro, i have been looking for Sagawa’s Movies for years now, He was playing a doorman or delivery man was attracted by wife, and the wife wil wear seethru for him on the next scene , they make our in Sofa, do you have any idea, I knew most of the plot will be like this, however appreciate if you can help me, thansk.

Matsushita Saeko
6 years ago

Matsushita Saeko

5 years ago

she is so sexy

6 years ago

Please I need the name of this old man name and all of his video source.

6 years ago

Hi admim, do you know whos this jav actor?

6 years ago

What is his name?

6 years ago
Reply to  Lok

Thanks in advance

6 years ago

Hello! Does anyone know the name of the actor in this video?? -> TOMN-146

nguyễn Long
6 years ago

please help me , the name of the first in film ( silk 105 another side) tks !

6 years ago

Hi admin can you please identify the old actor from this movie’s first part?

6 years ago

Who is this guy? admin bro.

5 years ago
Reply to  yaya

his name is Tetsuo Jirai 地雷鉄男

6 years ago

hey admin is there a way to find all jav id where a certain x male actor did participate? that would be great cuz for example i saw a scene i know the male jav actor but it’s hard to recognize the female one so i would just go to all his jav movies and go through them to find this scene it would be much easier but it seems there is no website that include tha male jav actors so when you click on his name it show all of their work

Isedon Fan
4 years ago
Reply to  sarkis

Yes please. It’s really hard to find some specific movie even I search on google only limited result. I’m a fan of Isedon Ichimura and others.

6 years ago

hi admin any ideas who is the last actor in eys 034 and eys 032?

6 years ago

Kindly give this guy’s name: MIAE-064

6 years ago

Can somebody please help me. I really want to know who is the actor in this movie. He is so passionate and sexy. Somebody who knows what is doing.The name of the movie is “Couples hot Spring trip” with Ayaka Tomoda.

6 years ago

I finally found Yuta Aii thanks to this list,he’s such a cutie, GREAT JOB

2 years ago
Reply to  DokiDoki

OMG, same. Yuta Aii is such a cutie, he’s my absolute fave JAV actor. I don’t see Hiroomi of Girls CH here though. He’s another of my faves, and also Ittetsu. There is another boy I usually see in videos but is not here and I am not able to get his name no matter how much I research. I think he is around Yuta’s age, also tall and slim. He usually has long hair and bangs covering most of his eyes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jinji

Boss do you know the male cast of ktb046

6 years ago

Who is the actor that emiri suzuhara fucked with on brother sister fucks at table

6 years ago

hello admin..can i know the real female name actor for JAPANESE TWIN ANGEL VOL.20?..thx in advance

6 years ago

okey admin..

one about male actor?..u know?..btw,if you have any info just let me know really want to watching the video..really need help..just to make it looking the girl(white t-shit) and men(white t-shit)..not the school anyone here that read my comment can response as well..share any link if you guys know about it..thx in advance..

here the link info of the video that im looking for free:
JAPANESE TWIN ANGEL VOL.20—2-movies;title=DVD21985

6 years ago

yeah..btw admin,im looking for any free streaming of that video..people here that know about it..pls share your link yaa..really need help!..

6 years ago

okey admin..btw..tq..and i wan u help me for ths..pls delete all my comment..i think its not useful anymore..pls delete all my comment ya..thx in advance.. -koko-

6 years ago
Reply to  Koko

admin..please..delete all my comment..tQ in advance.

6 years ago

Hello Admin. Do you know the name of the male actor in ADN-105? He looked like one of the male actors you mentioned here but when I searched the name it routed to a different person. I’m really thankful if you know who he is.

6 years ago

Ya admin, that’s the guy I’m pertaining to. Do you know his name? I thought he was on the list but it seems I’m mistaken.

6 years ago

Any updates? Thanks.

4 years ago
Reply to  Guest101

Masato Sawachi

6 years ago

Hey Last night i just find a video but cant get any information about it so if anyone know anything about it like movies name or character name let me know i m posting link to but in short its some kind of old jav porn

6 years ago
Reply to  Dark


6 years ago

染島貢 – Someto Mitsugi(?) what is his name and where can I find his movies?

3 years ago
Reply to  Porns

His actor name is Mitsugu Somejima

6 years ago

Hello Admin. Do you happen to know this dark tanned guy?
I’m desperately searching for him but i found nothing…..

6 years ago

Thnks for this list! You’ve been very helpful. DO you know who this actor is? Was trying to find him forever!

6 years ago The guy wth bug eyes

6 years ago

please give me info about male jav actor 越井 – Koshi, about his biography, profile and his filmography. i really like him but i can’t find info about him anywhere. i fans from indonesia

6 years ago

Admin can you tell me who is in the las scene of RCTD-083 ?

6 years ago

Who’s the name of this long hair guy in ATOM-353?????pleaseee

Thanin Pokinmas
6 years ago

I want to be a male actor how can I be part of it?

JAV fapper
6 years ago

Hey admin
Please tell me the actor name in the JAV movie SBCI-003
i searched everywhere but I can’t find him
Plz share his name and more of his videos.

6 years ago

SACE-045 last scens. What is name man?

6 years ago

SACE 045 last scene. who is this male? Name?

6 years ago

i am looking for jav all in family crazy about sexy mom can you tell what is it jav code

6 years ago this movie movie code

4 years ago

Hey admin, do you know the name of this male actor. Thanks

6 years ago

hi admin, do you know name male actor in video, Tks you <3

Love Jav
6 years ago

Hello admin, do you know who the male actor’s name is in movie MKMP-095? And who is the female actor in this movie
tell me admin.Please

6 years ago

Name of male actor partner of Matsuhita Saeko’s in ADN 115.
Housewife Matsushita Saeko satisfied by young Neighbour
Nefarious Kangakari Younger Man And Busty Wife Matsushita Saeko Staring Saeko

6 years ago

whats the name of the actress and actor in ADN 178 – ADN-178 being Fucked in Front of her Husband – Yoshiyuki’s Desire 4 Matsush

6 years ago

Does anyone know who the first son in RCT-858 is? The one that wears a pink sweater to match with his mom

6 years ago

anyone knows this guy’s name?

6 years ago

do you know the name of the actor in ssni-221 (50:48~1:20:49)? or his another av? he is very hot. thank you

6 years ago

PKMS-03. do you by any chance know who this guy is? he’s dayummmmmm

6 years ago

Can you tell me who is the male actor in the first scene? See him around quite a lot in these dirty old men type movies, but haven’t found out his name. They really should credit male actors it’s so irritating. Would make searching and browsing easier too in general.
Thanks in advance.

6 years ago

Dou you know male actor in MIDE-619 ? He features with Shouko Takahashi in it.

6 years ago

Who is the male pornstar in this?

6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Anyone know the female charactor Name of this vedio. Nang dua cha chong 4.. please give the name of female charactor

6 years ago

Why is 望月 – Mochidzuki so hard to find?

6 years ago

Hi. I’m looking for a certain guy who I’ve only seen in two videos, I cannot for the life of me find him anywhere else. I’ve only seen him with japanese porn actress Mami Asakura. His face doesn’t come in view very often, but he’s got curly light brown hair and he’s really handsome. Please help me, I’ll link the two videos: