Watashi… isoida koto o kōkai shite imasu.
Which Google Translate says, in English is a simple three words
“I…I regret rushing.”
1 year ago
The original title in Nippongo/Nihongo seems to use more than three words
Watashi… isoida koto o kōkai shite imasu.
Yet Google Translate says that, in English, that translates to a simple three words
“I…I regret rushing.”
Tried to break down what I assume are the Japanese words. But truth is, I’ve no idea about any of the Nippongo/Nihongo. Only know how to read what Google Translate produces
私 Watashi I . . .
急いだ isoida I hurried
事 koto case
を o of
後悔 kōkai regret
して shite do
います imasu is
Makes learning Nippngo/Nihongo seem so challenging. . .
First in the series was [REXD-489] I… regret rushing. Suehiro Jun
Really loved the cover for [REXD-497] I… regret rushing. 2 – Mei Satsuki – with the fallen mamachari bike.
The bike after crashing seemed like it might become a signature cover, make this series recognizable.
Alas, three of the four covers show no mamachari bike after a crash, and I don’t recognize movies from the series without actually Reading the title.
So far, seen the site go with four ways to translate the title
[REXD-489] I… regret rushing. Suehiro Jun (and [REXD-497] I… regret rushing. 2 – Mei Satsuki)
[REXD-501] I… Regret Hurrying it. 3 – Mitsuki Nagisa
[REXD-507] I… regret being in a hurry. 4 Asami Mizuhana
And series hyperlink: I… regret that I rushed.
The original being
Watashi… isoida koto o kōkai shite imasu.
Which Google Translate says, in English is a simple three words
“I…I regret rushing.”
The original title in Nippongo/Nihongo seems to use more than three words
Watashi… isoida koto o kōkai shite imasu.
Yet Google Translate says that, in English, that translates to a simple three words
“I…I regret rushing.”
Tried to break down what I assume are the Japanese words. But truth is, I’ve no idea about any of the Nippongo/Nihongo. Only know how to read what Google Translate produces
私 Watashi I . . .
急いだ isoida I hurried
事 koto case
を o of
後悔 kōkai regret
して shite do
います imasu is
Makes learning Nippngo/Nihongo seem so challenging. . .