Love User Submits. This and its partner vid in the series were, by my taste, the best Announcer bukkakes Rocker ever did. I didn’t think of it as dirty words, but as an audition where the producers ask the Anchor to perform under stress. What better than being surrounded by masturbating men, and then developing things from there? But my real thrill was the next release in this series, the harder to find RCT-407 Real Female Announcer BUKKAKE, starring Matsuda Shibiru / Nonoka Momose. Tried to have it posted months ago. May try again. Or may wait and hope a bit longer.
Yes. She’s very good with English. (If I remember, she was Haafu, half British) Says “So Confused” in English a lot when she switches language. I even saw something that looked like a meme with “So Confused.”
I did a bit more digging, partly due to her vulnerable awkwardness in this scene. In one thread on akiba-online a user postulates that she’s a one hit wonder. Though she also appears in a non-sex role in CRS-044. Same post comes with a play by play that really points out the unusual nature of this piece of JAV: PLAY BY PLAY She’s wearing a dark jacket and a white or very pale blouse. She has short dark hair. This is a very unusual video (at least, different from anything I’ve seen). Some off-camera voice keeps asking her questions and she answers “hai” which means “yes”. Note to producer: put the mike on a necklace so you can strip her without losing it. Note to producer: maybe a stronger colored blouse so after the jacket goes we can see the cum on the blouse. You don’t see what’s going on below the desk forever, and that may be nothing or some guy messing with her. 12:30 the first guy shows up and gently tugs his limp cock 13:50 second guy shows up, same thing. 15:20 third guy shows up, same thing. 16:00 fourth guy is there, all of them gently… Read more »
That’s quite a lot of digging and thanks for cutting and pasting that time marking manifesto. I’m curious, as the info about CRS-044 in the akiba-online comments referred to a Chinese site, do you read Chinese to be able to search for her in their comments? (I don’t) Either way, it was fun searching her name in akiba-online. I was was interesting to read in that akiba-online comment that back in 2014, ” Some commenter (“Fredlake”) got so taken by Kyoko and RCT-397 from the site above [What Site, I wondered?], he spent what must have been three hours giving a play-by-play… I can’t resist subjecting you to this lovingly deep analysis:” Glad you didn’t spend all that time, but that you posted your source.
And they talked SO much about RCT-407 as well, the one where Matsuda Shibiru / Nonoka Momose would switch to English to say she was “confused.”
That other movie you mentioned, Prestige’s CRS-044 “Betrayed by Her Friend, College Girl Moeka Nomura Falls Victim to a Brutal Rape” that had Hatori Kyouko in a no sex supporting role – It seems to be gone from the internet. Nothing played that I found. . . (Wonder if it was any good. The cover made it look interesting. And you can see Hatori Kyouko on the back cover)
Love User Submits. This and its partner vid in the series were, by my taste, the best Announcer bukkakes Rocker ever did. I didn’t think of it as dirty words, but as an audition where the producers ask the Anchor to perform under stress. What better than being surrounded by masturbating men, and then developing things from there? But my real thrill was the next release in this series, the harder to find RCT-407 Real Female Announcer BUKKAKE, starring Matsuda Shibiru / Nonoka Momose. Tried to have it posted months ago. May try again. Or may wait and hope a bit longer.
Is RCT-407 the one where she was “really confused?”
Yes. She’s very good with English. (If I remember, she was Haafu, half British) Says “So Confused” in English a lot when she switches language. I even saw something that looked like a meme with “So Confused.”
Three from the series active female announcer here now.
[RCT-397] Active female announcer Kyoko Hatori
[RCT-407] Active female announcer Sybil Matsuda
[RCT-597] Active female announcer Tsubasa Mizuse
Totally agree on RCT-407.. we really need the best quality version of this.
Yup. Some English-translated titles for RCT407 read: “Real Broadcaster – Half-British Bilingual Bombshell Announcer Has Decided to Perform in An AV!
I think I’ll just user submit my copy of RCT-407 here..
I didn’t see it posted. Did you try? Try ore than once?
Don’t know how, or thru who, but its here now. 🙂
[RCT-407] Active female announcer Sybil Matsuda 🙂
This was great. At one moment she breaks character and fondles herself.
I did a bit more digging, partly due to her vulnerable awkwardness in this scene. In one thread on akiba-online a user postulates that she’s a one hit wonder. Though she also appears in a non-sex role in CRS-044. Same post comes with a play by play that really points out the unusual nature of this piece of JAV: PLAY BY PLAY She’s wearing a dark jacket and a white or very pale blouse. She has short dark hair. This is a very unusual video (at least, different from anything I’ve seen). Some off-camera voice keeps asking her questions and she answers “hai” which means “yes”. Note to producer: put the mike on a necklace so you can strip her without losing it. Note to producer: maybe a stronger colored blouse so after the jacket goes we can see the cum on the blouse. You don’t see what’s going on below the desk forever, and that may be nothing or some guy messing with her. 12:30 the first guy shows up and gently tugs his limp cock 13:50 second guy shows up, same thing. 15:20 third guy shows up, same thing. 16:00 fourth guy is there, all of them gently… Read more »
That’s quite a lot of digging and thanks for cutting and pasting that time marking manifesto. I’m curious, as the info about CRS-044 in the akiba-online comments referred to a Chinese site, do you read Chinese to be able to search for her in their comments? (I don’t) Either way, it was fun searching her name in akiba-online. I was was interesting to read in that akiba-online comment that back in 2014, ” Some commenter (“Fredlake”) got so taken by Kyoko and RCT-397 from the site above [What Site, I wondered?], he spent what must have been three hours giving a play-by-play… I can’t resist subjecting you to this lovingly deep analysis:” Glad you didn’t spend all that time, but that you posted your source.
And they talked SO much about RCT-407 as well, the one where Matsuda Shibiru / Nonoka Momose would switch to English to say she was “confused.”
That other movie you mentioned, Prestige’s CRS-044 “Betrayed by Her Friend, College Girl Moeka Nomura Falls Victim to a Brutal Rape” that had Hatori Kyouko in a no sex supporting role – It seems to be gone from the internet. Nothing played that I found. . . (Wonder if it was any good. The cover made it look interesting. And you can see Hatori Kyouko on the back cover)