[RCTD-655] Deep kiss lesbian dental clinic 2. Hibiki Otsuki

[RCTD-655] Deep kiss lesbian dental clinic 2. Hibiki Otsuki

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65,182 views Posted: March 10, 2025
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3 days ago

Ootsuki hibiki in a new lesbian release? Yeah, this month is insane. Much love for this one

3 days ago

Hibiki still looks so great… You can see she’s keeping in shape.

3 days ago
Reply to  Mlaw

She’s one of the OG’s. Crazy longevity.

3 days ago

If any of these gals need a filling, I’d be happy to oblige.

Except if I’m in California.

Because the Dental Board would not look kindly on this sort of thing.

Would they Mike?

Leaving porn
3 days ago

Day 69 of not watching porn and not masturbating

3 days ago
Reply to  Leaving porn

its lie

3 days ago
Reply to  Leaving porn

How do you do that?

3 days ago
Reply to  Leaving porn

good luck

no lesbian tag?
3 days ago

no lesbian tag?

greyhound bus
3 days ago

We can get Mike to research all the possible missing tags that could have been linked to this video.

He could also tell us what dates each individual tag had been allotted to a particular movie.

He could also point out incorrectly allotted tags.

Don’t forgot that he can reference all other previous comments relating to tags, correctly or incorrectly allotted, and who made them.

He can give his own opinion on whether or not those tags should or should not have been allotted.

In other words, he can bore the arse off a statue of Abraham Lincoln.

Don’t get him started on his fascination for Nagae and the endless stream of rape movies that he adores.

Oh, and let’s not invite him to repeat his constant stream of complaints about movies not having been tagged into the proper genre, or a missing actress name, or actor name, repeated posting, previous untranslated postings, previous derogatory comments about him from scores of trolls, his constant questioning of rudimentary Japanese translations.

The man is a fucking walking, talking mikeapedia.

Sadly, he’s breathing up all the air that we need for the fire.

Walk him under a bus someone, please.

3 days ago
Reply to  greyhound bus


Are you a mod who works doing daily things to operate the site?

Approving the posts, working the comment section? Finalizing things for each daily posting of new things?

Is that why you know so much about my comments, even these days when there’s no recent comment box, and I post mostly in movies that have been here quite a while?

And is that why there are so many troll comments every day, as soon as the site posts movies. As if the troll knows when the posting may begin, and thus never misses a chance to be “first?”

Last edited 3 days ago by Mike
greyhound bus
2 days ago
Reply to  Mike


Q. Are you a mod who works doing daily things to operate the site?

A. Yes.

Q. Approving the posts, working the comment section? Finalizing things for each daily posting of new things?

A. Yes.

Q. Is that why you know so much about my comments, even these days when there’s no recent comment box, and I post mostly in movies that have been here quite a while?

A. Yes.

Q. And is that why there are so many troll comments every day, as soon as the site posts movies. As if the troll knows when the posting may begin, and thus never misses a chance to be “first?”

A. Yes.

false teeth
2 days ago
Reply to  Mike


Ever had any dealings with the California Dental Board and sedation permits?

2 days ago
Reply to  false teeth

Can’t decide if that’s one query or two queries.

One interrogātiō. Or two interrogātiōnēs.

One interrogamentum or two interrogāmenta.

But do you mean Moderate Sedation Permits? General Anesthesia Permits? Pediatric minimal sedation permits? The new general anesthesia/deep sedation

(What do you mean? African or European swallow?)

And what do you mean by “and”? Do you mean “regarding? ” “As to”? “In relation to” Or do you mean to concentrate only on those kinds of dealings with the California Dental Board that pertain to sedation permits, excluding other sorts.

Anyway, the original comment was about the commenter no lesbian tag? presumably seeing no Lesbian tag.

Seems that if that was a problem, it was fixed.

Query. Did you post as greyhound bus (ostensibly, a person who claims to be a mod who works doing daily things to operate the site) – and then switch names to post a different comment as false teeth?

Last edited 2 days ago by Mike
9 hours ago
Reply to  Mike

I appreciate the contributions you make to this site. Please ignore the negative harassment that comes with some of your posts.

Continue the good work.

3 days ago


1 day ago

Fantastic french kissing