this video is mary’s best work in a very long time, totally special. she’s genuinely a good actress and nails this femme fatale look so well, and the way they dismantle that is brilliant. i normally skip solo work segments but it was an inspired choice to open with it this time, and she’s electric throughout. then when they finally go for her mouth…just wow. i don’t know for how much longer she’ll be able to look this good, but it’s amazing and she should be doing ambitious roles like this one for as long as it lasts. she’s such a pro at this point
This was solid, nothing more. I really liked the ending, everyone dies. 3/5
Funny comment, bro ! lol
this video is mary’s best work in a very long time, totally special. she’s genuinely a good actress and nails this femme fatale look so well, and the way they dismantle that is brilliant. i normally skip solo work segments but it was an inspired choice to open with it this time, and she’s electric throughout. then when they finally go for her mouth…just wow. i don’t know for how much longer she’ll be able to look this good, but it’s amazing and she should be doing ambitious roles like this one for as long as it lasts. she’s such a pro at this point
Don’t give spoilers