Had grown so used to idols performing with a different name when an image video they perform in is released. Checked to be sure whether it was her usual name.
The only thing really to read on the front cover, is
I couldn’t understand why LOTS of sites went with that translation. It makes no sense (unless one aspires to a stoned Floyd fan state of mind, grooving to memories of that 60s Pink Floyd Sound record “A Saucer Full of Secrets”)
嘘 – Uso – Lies
だらけ darake – Lots of Things
の – no – Of
秘め事 himegoto – Secrets
Seems like the site’s title translating was better than what most sites posted.
Or might I be missing something subtle that speakers would know?
So Pretty. What a wonderful cover photo.
And – also on the cover
Had grown so used to idols performing with a different name when an image video they perform in is released. Checked to be sure whether it was her usual name.
The only thing really to read on the front cover, is
Her usual name. Mita Marin
Funny though. Google Translate sounds that out as
Mita Shin Rin
and translates it as
Masuzu Mita
Computers. . .
On Translating
The Title in Nippongo/NIhongo is
Which google translate sounds out as
Uso-darake no himegoto
And translates as
“A secret full of lies”
I couldn’t understand why LOTS of sites went with that translation. It makes no sense (unless one aspires to a stoned Floyd fan state of mind, grooving to memories of that 60s Pink Floyd Sound record “A Saucer Full of Secrets”)
嘘 – Uso – Lies
だらけ darake – Lots of Things
の – no – Of
秘め事 himegoto – Secrets
Seems like the site’s title translating was better than what most sites posted.
Or might I be missing something subtle that speakers would know?