Compare to nacr895 costume av please don’t no more reminding what she once look like. Her height no change bit weight did make her stubby. It’s like her potential peak and ran downhill so fast without retirement. Just couple years it’s just her weight now it’s a whole package deal. No one expected her beauty to fade so fast and quickly. No turn back fix clock in reverse.
What the fuck are you even on about, she’s aging like everyone does as they get older, you no brained dumbass
2 months ago
damn all of these amazing hatano yui, kawakami yuu and hibiki otsuki lesbian titles all in one day. christmas came delayed or way too early. massive thanks for these uploads, so many great lesbian gems. huge props, admin =)
Yui walks both sides of the street, with authority. She’s every bit as happy rubbing on a beaver as she is taking a bone.
Compare to nacr895 costume av please don’t no more reminding what she once look like. Her height no change bit weight did make her stubby. It’s like her potential peak and ran downhill so fast without retirement. Just couple years it’s just her weight now it’s a whole package deal. No one expected her beauty to fade so fast and quickly. No turn back fix clock in reverse.
You’re a clown if you think yui is ugly now
What the fuck are you even on about, she’s aging like everyone does as they get older, you no brained dumbass
damn all of these amazing hatano yui, kawakami yuu and hibiki otsuki lesbian titles all in one day. christmas came delayed or way too early. massive thanks for these uploads, so many great lesbian gems. huge props, admin =)