[DASD-776] Jealousy, despair, and erection. The “cuckold-themed” sex shop she found. Kanae Yuria

[DASD-776] Jealousy, despair, and erection. The “cuckold-themed” sex shop she found. Kanae Yuria

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16,566 views Posted: January 24, 2024
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Hard ride
1 year ago

When I watch this movie randomly got surprised by the cuckold theme..and pretty actually good NTR storyline..need this kinda movie more

1 year ago
Reply to  Hard ride

I really enjoyed it. What I’m trying to remember is whether I requested it. (It might have been my User Submission . . .)

Think I saw the subtitled version of this on the net a week or two ago. Think I loved it, searched, found it wasn’t already here, and requested it.

But I’m not positive. . .

Either way, also love the story line. .

1 year ago

I just didn’t like it. I understand that there is morbidity in the cuckold, but for a wife to forget her husband is already too much.

1 year ago
Reply to  Milo

I agree completely.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lupo

Not sure why you’re agreeing about a comment about a wife “forgetting” her husband or about “morbidity” here or in Cuckold plots

The couple in this movie, they’re not married. They’re young kids who dated for 3 years, lived together for one, and they’re facing pre-marriage jitters with wedding dates getting closer.

It starts with her confessing she’s not comfortable with a lifetime of more of the same, and shows him the sex/cuckold business she found, even though she thought it might disturb him – she wanted it to excite them both. She performs with him watching every scene, and asks at the end if he got excited watching.

Maybe I didn’t understand what Milo meant by “forget.” Or “morbidity”- one google result I read said that means suffering from a disease or medical condition. (Maybe it means other things too. . .)

I thought the movie has a lot of interesting dramatic tension, a lot of dynamics. A lot more to see in the movie than just a camera pointed