[SBNS-016] Atonement

[SBNS-016] Atonement

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27,539 views Posted: January 2, 2024
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1 year ago

I do really admire the site’s User Submission feature. But its hard to “love” it or use a smile emoji about a shocker movie like this.

Requested this because I’ve enjoyed the New Atonement series, and historically, wanted to have the site post the movies that the series began with.

And because I’d been in the mood to request movies that had been directed by Nagae, and had looked thru the catalogue of movies by the director that were filmed before the site existed. Or about the time the site existed, but that the site hadn’t posted.

I know I requested quite a batch of the director’s movies. Six of them posted on Dec 21. One the day prior (I think) 12 20. . . And after [NSPS-197] Atonement – Redemption – 3 was posted, I went back to be sure the fist in the series was posted. . .