Before anyone come here and be racist seek help because you must have a lot of issues to spread hate on porn site lmao and black women don’t want you don’t worry if you find them ugly they probably feel the same way about you get better and see a therapist
Lol so insecure. Not liking the way a certain race of people look is a preference, not racism. There are so many chicks who wouldn’t date asian dudes. You don’t see me being a little bitch about that.
Sure, some people comment overly negative things but haters are everywhere. They don’t have to yuck your yum but you also can just enjoy what you enjoy and ignore them. Don’t need to be a social justice warrior about it.
Idc if you prefer someone more than someone else but degrading someone or insulting them because of their skin colour ain’t it I will always speak up because it’s dumb
It’s more than just about people simply having a preference. The comments that people often leave on her videos and others like her are straight-up racists and full of hate. You don’t have to be attracted to what you’re not attracted to, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to be hateful and disgusting about it.
ofc everyone has their preference,, thats apart of being human. but what you dont need to do is announce it to everyone. we came to watch this jav because we like black girls,, i dont like mini or anal but i dont feel the need to go say that to people who do.
love thank you for spreading some positivity and human decency (even on the degen jav site of all places lol)
Hate and being her views like that she get her money lol some of y’all should have been swallowed
1 year ago
bruh she aint gonna fuck u for whiteknighting her in the comment section on some random ass jav website. just saying. spank the monkey, and back to your 9-5, wagecuck
Lmaooo idc I don’t wanna duck nobody am not thirsty like you Am just here for the crackheads in the comments . It’s entertaining and am not a monkey but thanks
Before anyone come here and be racist seek help because you must have a lot of issues to spread hate on porn site lmao and black women don’t want you don’t worry if you find them ugly they probably feel the same way about you get better and see a therapist
Nicely said. Racism is for weaklings, the insecure, and thugs. Much more unites us than divides us, and intelligence knows no color.
Did you write both these posts and the Love posts on [JUQ-099] The First Black In my Life! Married Woman drowns In Black pleasure – Minami Yasu ?
No lol
Lol so insecure. Not liking the way a certain race of people look is a preference, not racism. There are so many chicks who wouldn’t date asian dudes. You don’t see me being a little bitch about that.
Sure, some people comment overly negative things but haters are everywhere. They don’t have to yuck your yum but you also can just enjoy what you enjoy and ignore them. Don’t need to be a social justice warrior about it.
Idc if you prefer someone more than someone else but degrading someone or insulting them because of their skin colour ain’t it I will always speak up because it’s dumb
Everyone have preference but call black people sub humans it’s weird shit .
It’s more than just about people simply having a preference. The comments that people often leave on her videos and others like her are straight-up racists and full of hate. You don’t have to be attracted to what you’re not attracted to, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to be hateful and disgusting about it.
ofc everyone has their preference,, thats apart of being human. but what you dont need to do is announce it to everyone. we came to watch this jav because we like black girls,, i dont like mini or anal but i dont feel the need to go say that to people who do.
love thank you for spreading some positivity and human decency (even on the degen jav site of all places lol)
Lmaooo Thankss for supporting my point !
Yeah sure whatever, just enjoy the damn show nobody mentioned anything about your non sense, here you are whining like a screeching annoying thing.
Okay bummer
she’s ugly because of the surgery not because she’s black, it’s the face
She’s not ugly but go off
bruh she looks like an ape
and you look like my ass hole
Hate and being her views like that she get her money lol some of y’all should have been swallowed
bruh she aint gonna fuck u for whiteknighting her in the comment section on some random ass jav website. just saying. spank the monkey, and back to your 9-5, wagecuck
Lmaooo idc I don’t wanna duck nobody am not thirsty like you Am just here for the crackheads in the comments . It’s entertaining and am not a monkey but thanks
guy is an ameritard 100%
Your one of those people that should have been swallowed
Yeah you’re 100% ameritard. Can’t form a sentence without grammar errors, even it’s the only language you guys speak. Probably black too.
Am white but okay
starting a sentence with can’t
Her best movie by far. The last scene is amazing. She looks amazing in it and they fuck her right. Great angles and camerawork too.
Her looks & body are a big turn on for me. Apart from sex I would take her out anytime.