This was the first Bus Molester video I remember just being Completely being Taken In By. Natural High bus molester videos were a huge part of what drew me away from “Western Porn” and to watching more and more JAV. I’d been on crowded busses and trains the one week I visited Japan. And talked with my wife about when she was a kid in Mexico City in their crowded busses. And knew the thrill of being near a beautiful woman in a packed, rocking, tilting place, and the stories the women tell about being touched, or just sensing someone wanted to touch them.
So to see all the drama here of the mother, mature enough not to freak out at being touched, trying to take it in stride, then getting to feeling stimulated, then all the outrageous, purely Japanese stuff that follows. . . Wow.
Just love this video, and the Natural High bus molester vids generally. (Not to downplay the Dandy vids of that era)
PS. Posted it because of the scene with the mother in light blue top that starts at 1:45:21. That used to be on the internet in a snippet on a suspictious site I used to watch, the led me to love JAV, because the “snippet” was just far better than the Western porn also on that site at the time. . .
But recommend all the scenes. 🙂
2 years ago
Kalo cupu engga udah nonton bapak kau yang nonton wkwkwkwk
O, how I love User Submits.
This was the first Bus Molester video I remember just being Completely being Taken In By. Natural High bus molester videos were a huge part of what drew me away from “Western Porn” and to watching more and more JAV. I’d been on crowded busses and trains the one week I visited Japan. And talked with my wife about when she was a kid in Mexico City in their crowded busses. And knew the thrill of being near a beautiful woman in a packed, rocking, tilting place, and the stories the women tell about being touched, or just sensing someone wanted to touch them.
So to see all the drama here of the mother, mature enough not to freak out at being touched, trying to take it in stride, then getting to feeling stimulated, then all the outrageous, purely Japanese stuff that follows. . . Wow.
Just love this video, and the Natural High bus molester vids generally. (Not to downplay the Dandy vids of that era)
Thanks Admin and mods for posting. 🙂
PS. Posted it because of the scene with the mother in light blue top that starts at 1:45:21. That used to be on the internet in a snippet on a suspictious site I used to watch, the led me to love JAV, because the “snippet” was just far better than the Western porn also on that site at the time. . .
But recommend all the scenes. 🙂
Kalo cupu engga udah nonton bapak kau yang nonton wkwkwkwk
Cupu ya ha-ha-ha engga berani
Love it