The real explosion is when you pump hot semen into her womb until she becomes a human water balloon of cum and then you perform a last hard thrust that breaks her altogether.
2 years ago
Never had a sister to live with. These fantasies are almost alien to me. But not totally. I always enjoyed visiting guy friends who had sisters. 🙂
I think it would be very weird to be turned on by your own sister. But your friends’ sisters, that’s totally fair game 🙂
Penis Surprise
2 years ago
it’s summer, and my wife does the same every day, butt naked because it’s hot, and then she acts all panicky when she gets a penis surprise several times a week (I’m getting old, can’t do it every day anymore) 😀
it just happened again, nice sunny day here in East Asia, brushed my teeth and saw her again, naked, of course, so one more penis surprise just came up, oh well 🙂
If for some what ever reason, someone reads this random message and wonders what I’m doing on this website, I have a trophy wife and I compare her with the girls here. The closest comparison is with Rei Kuruki, my wife being a slender version, but the rest is pretty much identical body and face wise.
I can vouch for the positive impact on the selfesteem a quickie with a beautiful East Asian girl has 😀
Okay, I’m done bragging, you guys go back to enjoying this website…
The real explosion is when you pump hot semen into her womb until she becomes a human water balloon of cum and then you perform a last hard thrust that breaks her altogether.
Never had a sister to live with. These fantasies are almost alien to me. But not totally. I always enjoyed visiting guy friends who had sisters. 🙂
I think it would be very weird to be turned on by your own sister. But your friends’ sisters, that’s totally fair game 🙂
it’s summer, and my wife does the same every day, butt naked because it’s hot, and then she acts all panicky when she gets a penis surprise several times a week (I’m getting old, can’t do it every day anymore) 😀
it just happened again, nice sunny day here in East Asia, brushed my teeth and saw her again, naked, of course, so one more penis surprise just came up, oh well 🙂
If for some what ever reason, someone reads this random message and wonders what I’m doing on this website, I have a trophy wife and I compare her with the girls here. The closest comparison is with Rei Kuruki, my wife being a slender version, but the rest is pretty much identical body and face wise.
I can vouch for the positive impact on the selfesteem a quickie with a beautiful East Asian girl has 😀
Okay, I’m done bragging, you guys go back to enjoying this website…
Any askers?
Damn Japanese censors. All crazy to me.
If its about his sister why the fuck is toru ozawa in this???