i know, all yui’s fans are not willing the retirement to happen, but this issue is on the table for almost a year, but yui is still on stage, performing her best. does anybody have a precise data about her withdrawal ?
3 years ago
last video!?!?
3 years ago
She has retired! Shame this proves how good she really is on screen. One of her most memorable vids! Yui did say, there would be releases even after her leaving in December. She has her social on quiet. Don’t blame her and wish her all the best! One great actress!
Oh my…she is sure make hard like a rock
i know, all yui’s fans are not willing the retirement to happen, but this issue is on the table for almost a year, but yui is still on stage, performing her best. does anybody have a precise data about her withdrawal ?
last video!?!?
She has retired! Shame this proves how good she really is on screen. One of her most memorable vids! Yui did say, there would be releases even after her leaving in December. She has her social on quiet. Don’t blame her and wish her all the best! One great actress!
very angry pussy
Lmao still so salty.