have you tasted or at least seen the cock of every nationality in the world to be able to make this claim? shut up if you haven’t coz non-pinoys will only make fun of us.
just because you have a small cock, it doesn’t mean everyone has small cock too, okay kiddo
3 years ago
I’ll say it again. We Indonesians know what it’s like to face adversity. We’re stronger than you. We’re more intelligent than you. We have bigger cocks than you. We’re faster than you.
What’s wrong with the indonesian? I have seen this name a lot on the comments, almost like spamming on every videos. I don’t even understand it. Just shut up and beat your d. You come to porn site with free stolen videos and do stupid things on the comment, it is just show how ignorant you people are. And it’s no different with the philippine even worse.
Do you expect to have sensible people out here? I think you’re the one who is ignorant. To actually think this place is an open minded place. Most of the bastards out here are trash, corrupted by twisted desires.
Illiteracy crisis and many other long-term discriminative habits (mostly it is about religion, ethnic, and race) eventually lead to this kind of behavior, even as an Indonesian myself I am baffled by my own countrymen. Just look at my imposter.
Ada yang tegang dari ayah mertua menantu harus menjinakan!!
Besoo kalau jadi mertua gitu enak kali ya hahahaha
michael jackson
Pinoys have the best cock in the world!
have you tasted or at least seen the cock of every nationality in the world to be able to make this claim? shut up if you haven’t coz non-pinoys will only make fun of us.
You mean smallest
just because you have a small cock, it doesn’t mean everyone has small cock too, okay kiddo
I’ll say it again. We Indonesians know what it’s like to face adversity. We’re stronger than you. We’re more intelligent than you. We have bigger cocks than you. We’re faster than you.
What’s wrong with the indonesian? I have seen this name a lot on the comments, almost like spamming on every videos. I don’t even understand it. Just shut up and beat your d. You come to porn site with free stolen videos and do stupid things on the comment, it is just show how ignorant you people are. And it’s no different with the philippine even worse.
i 100% agree with you
Do you expect to have sensible people out here? I think you’re the one who is ignorant. To actually think this place is an open minded place. Most of the bastards out here are trash, corrupted by twisted desires.
Illiteracy crisis and many other long-term discriminative habits (mostly it is about religion, ethnic, and race) eventually lead to this kind of behavior, even as an Indonesian myself I am baffled by my own countrymen. Just look at my imposter.
I like the confident. Nyangleh the guy who like watching porn movie everyday wkwk bravo
as your president i hereby command you to shut the fuck up and continue beating your dick to free porn
I already did, my imposter doesn’t.
I love fucking butthole