What the fuck is wrong with you? Even if you THINK this is a joke, WTF? Maybe you should do the gene pool a favor and go jump in front of a train, you POS!
This is an incel. There’s no way a healthy, fit positive man would say such a problem. He’s got a personality disorder or filled with exceptional hate. Just be grateful we’re not him. If the girl doesn’t make you hard, just watch a different video.
ja rule
4 years ago
Your personality matches her physical looks. Ugly. You should marry her but she’s better than you.
I’ve been with women who were married to rich and self proclaimed “beautiful” men. Trust me, you need to change your attitude because any woman who’s going to be with is only for the money and will cheat on you. And I also think you’re a liar.
4 years ago
her face looks like Sylvester stallone.. lol
4 years ago
She kind of looked ok in the cover but then I saw that first picture, omg.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Even if you THINK this is a joke, WTF? Maybe you should do the gene pool a favor and go jump in front of a train, you POS!
This is an incel. There’s no way a healthy, fit positive man would say such a problem. He’s got a personality disorder or filled with exceptional hate. Just be grateful we’re not him. If the girl doesn’t make you hard, just watch a different video.
Your personality matches her physical looks. Ugly. You should marry her but she’s better than you.
I’ve been with women who were married to rich and self proclaimed “beautiful” men. Trust me, you need to change your attitude because any woman who’s going to be with is only for the money and will cheat on you. And I also think you’re a liar.
her face looks like Sylvester stallone.. lol
She kind of looked ok in the cover but then I saw that first picture, omg.
Bro, that was my thought as well. They couldn’t have found better still pictures to sell this video? No way I’m wasting time on this.
I am sure you have a body that man would never get turned on lol
actress name?
we will do english film