Dear admin, thank you for taking painstakingly subbing a lot of good titles for us, over the years. I truly admire n appreciate your efforts behind it.
I just had a small suggestion. I don’t know how many of these titles you, yourself watch before uploading. But I’ve noticed you put a small summary of the film which you sub, along with the film stills. I was hoping that you could maybe put such summaries for the non-subbed ones. The one with the subtitles are anyway comprehensible. A summary in such a scenario may not add as much value as it would in case of non-subbed titles.
Thank you again, for your tireless effort for the jav community.
4 years ago
I want to thank you for all your efforts you are truly a king!
I would be grateful if you could sub this video please it sounds just amazing tbh
Dear admin, thank you for taking painstakingly subbing a lot of good titles for us, over the years. I truly admire n appreciate your efforts behind it.
I just had a small suggestion. I don’t know how many of these titles you, yourself watch before uploading. But I’ve noticed you put a small summary of the film which you sub, along with the film stills. I was hoping that you could maybe put such summaries for the non-subbed ones. The one with the subtitles are anyway comprehensible. A summary in such a scenario may not add as much value as it would in case of non-subbed titles.
Thank you again, for your tireless effort for the jav community.
I want to thank you for all your efforts you are truly a king!
I would be grateful if you could sub this video please it sounds just amazing tbh