Moderator- Thanks for all your great work and for making Ai Sayama Girl of the Month.
Terrific as she is, Sayama has made few great discs. To my mind this is the best, as well as maybe the best JAV Female Teacher movie ever. Ai is brilliant as a teacher whose great kindness ( and a little stupidity ) lead her to being trapped. She’s never looked or performed better and the film has one of the most twisted, WTF endings in JAV history!
Although I hate to join the tsunami of readers requesting subtitles, and I realize the length and “group activity” of this make it a challenge,t I think you might find it worthy of your talents. There is a crappy translation out there now but this deserves the Guru treatment.
4 years ago
Yup, this is one of the best Ai-chan drama release, as well as one of my top favorite teacher rape theme. The elements in this film are well executed, Ai-chan did a well performance as well as the rape scenes are hot.
Moderator- Thanks for all your great work and for making Ai Sayama Girl of the Month.
Terrific as she is, Sayama has made few great discs. To my mind this is the best, as well as maybe the best JAV Female Teacher movie ever. Ai is brilliant as a teacher whose great kindness ( and a little stupidity ) lead her to being trapped. She’s never looked or performed better and the film has one of the most twisted, WTF endings in JAV history!
Although I hate to join the tsunami of readers requesting subtitles, and I realize the length and “group activity” of this make it a challenge,t I think you might find it worthy of your talents. There is a crappy translation out there now but this deserves the Guru treatment.
Yup, this is one of the best Ai-chan drama release, as well as one of my top favorite teacher rape theme. The elements in this film are well executed, Ai-chan did a well performance as well as the rape scenes are hot.
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