[STARS-219] Retiring From AV. Sho Nishino
![[STARS-219] Retiring From AV. Sho Nishino](https://cdn.javmg.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/1stars219pl.jpg)
Is the eternal retirement finally happening? Yes.
Sho Nishino puts an end to a 16-year porn career that she started back in 2004. Her acting was hella good and perhaps even one of the best actresses when it comes to acting. Her drama videos are very noteworthy.
She has been in both S1 and MOODYZ in the past. And more recently has been in attackers and SOD.
Sho Nishino forever.
![[STARS-219] Retiring From AV. Sho Nishino](https://pics.dmm.co.jp/digital/video/1stars00219/1stars00219jp-1.jpg)
![[STARS-219] Retiring From AV. Sho Nishino](https://pics.dmm.co.jp/digital/video/1stars00219/1stars00219jp-2.jpg)
Sub some of her classics as a tribute man. Dont be a dick!
What so that javguy pornstar is gay the fuck?
WELL, some will say he is a very professional worker.
Others always knew he is gay as fuck.
Whatever the case, Genjin is still NUMBA 1
Bakayaro (Admin) thank you for your great effort to present Sub for this beautiful movies , i will more apprecite sub this movie as Nishino retired i ‘d love to hear her conversation in this regard… thank u again
It’s gay for pay
16 years of hardwork and commitment. Never lost her beauty, never lost her passion. An absolutely amazing career.
congrats to her and her ass of an angel.
Her JUFD 171 is my all time favorite, she got a really nice big round ass! So sad to see her leave
I got attracted to Sho Nishino when I first watched her RBD-352 movie back then in 2012…Ever since I have liked her adult movies…
Plz Sub this one
Admin please could u sub this final movie of lovely super star Shou Nishino plz plz plz
Please i like to understand her desion to leave the indusrty she is the best Japanese porn in the last 20 years
Bakayaro (Admin) , Please is there any article to left porn indusrty or any meeting with her to give the reaseon why she left indusrty ? now she is more beatiful than before with chubby body which is now the best … I an so sorry to hear that she retired..is there any site can i follow her news ? thanks Bakayaro …
any chance to sub this movie thanks
that interview in the end with tabuchi was gold