I wholeheartedly welcome you, little girl. May you cause more erections than stars shine in the firmament, and rivers of semen to flow under our shared sky. United we stand hard. Good fucks and good luck.
Seriously one of the better debuts I’ve seen in a while. To many more videos Kusunoki Azu!
4 years ago
Another one who’s too cute for porn. She’s such a darling!
4 years ago
Good lord she kinda looks like Kohara Konomi!
4 years ago
she’s a real jpop idol from 虹色の飛行少女 =Rainbow-colored Flying Girl her name is 宇佐美花菜= Usami Kana she secretly filmed porn without telling her music agency funny thing it she filmed this debut even before 2020 cause it was release in jan 11 2020 and we know porn in japan is recorded 3-5 months ahead of the actual release but her agency finally caught her like 3-5 months late even after her debut they took 2 months to even know she did porn XD
Boris Johnson
4 years ago
When is her next video *sad*
keith fleming
4 years ago
Azu Kusunoki great new beauty with an appealing hot delicious thick ass cheeks mmmm with the nice sweet hips and then that her yummy sweet pink vagina flower oh yum oh Azu Kusunoki.
I wholeheartedly welcome you, little girl. May you cause more erections than stars shine in the firmament, and rivers of semen to flow under our shared sky. United we stand hard. Good fucks and good luck.
Seriously one of the better debuts I’ve seen in a while. To many more videos Kusunoki Azu!
Another one who’s too cute for porn. She’s such a darling!
Good lord she kinda looks like Kohara Konomi!
she’s a real jpop idol from 虹色の飛行少女 =Rainbow-colored Flying Girl her name is 宇佐美花菜= Usami Kana she secretly filmed porn without telling her music agency funny thing it she filmed this debut even before 2020 cause it was release in jan 11 2020 and we know porn in japan is recorded 3-5 months ahead of the actual release but her agency finally caught her like 3-5 months late even after her debut they took 2 months to even know she did porn XD
When is her next video *sad*
Azu Kusunoki great new beauty with an appealing hot delicious thick ass cheeks mmmm with the nice sweet hips and then that her yummy sweet pink vagina flower oh yum oh Azu Kusunoki.
Any updates from this girl
Does anyone know if she has any other works?