[XV-863] New Comer Nana Ogura

[XV-863] New Comer Nana Ogura

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17,466 views Posted: November 2, 2019

[XV-863] New Comer Nana Ogura

[XV-863] New Comer Nana Ogura

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5 years ago

YES YES YES!! Girl of the Month!! You finally DID one of my long-standing requests, Guru-sensei! This is why you’re my idol (not THAT kind of idol,lol)! Let the good times roll!! I hate her husband (as I’m still super in-love with her), and I also hate that she never did a single creampie release (correct me if I’m wrong). HOWEVER, if sensei & team can find an HD Decensor of her, her enthusiasm & always-hardcore performance will PROBABLY make up for it! ;P