Wish she was more prominent in the JAV scene. So when the site posts a movie she appears in, posting it twice in one day, how can I see anything objectionable in that?
She comes on in this at the start, and the first close up, as 00:23, is of her pretty features.
Then I lost track of her as the other idols of this huge cast were on camera, think she wasn’t in some scenes, until the red bras and pantie scene at 14:00 – 26:37
Think she wasn’t in it then again, until 43:04 . and so on, and so on.
This was an easy easy for an idol to get lost in.
Until 1:22:40, in the scene at the end with SO many idols present at all times, surrounding Haruto Terahashi. She wore a blue mini skirt, blue and white striped top that looked a bit like a sailor suit when that all hands on deck scene started.
And many more outfits as the all hands on deck approach continued until the movie’s end.
Love Fukuda Momo
Wish she was more prominent in the JAV scene. So when the site posts a movie she appears in, posting it twice in one day, how can I see anything objectionable in that?
She comes on in this at the start, and the first close up, as 00:23, is of her pretty features.
Then I lost track of her as the other idols of this huge cast were on camera, think she wasn’t in some scenes, until the red bras and pantie scene at 14:00 – 26:37
Think she wasn’t in it then again, until 43:04 . and so on, and so on.
This was an easy easy for an idol to get lost in.
Until 1:22:40, in the scene at the end with SO many idols present at all times, surrounding Haruto Terahashi. She wore a blue mini skirt, blue and white striped top that looked a bit like a sailor suit when that all hands on deck scene started.
And many more outfits as the all hands on deck approach continued until the movie’s end.