Her husband came home unexpectedly last night for a few days. A series of shows have been cancelled because the vocalist has been arrested on a felony charge relating to a minor. His next gig is with another band he plays in and they are going ahead as planned starting the weekend after this. In a way, I’m relieved. They have a nice house. She has a studio set up in the room at the back of the house facing the garden that has the most light. It’s big, but messy. Canvases. Some hung on walls, some on easels, some stacked against the walls. Tubes of paints and tins full of brushes. The floor is covered in plastic that is dotted with different colours. It has a distinct oily smell. The canvases are large. Typically 1m square and her work focuses almost entirely on the landscapes around Sedona. Lots of sky and red rock. No people. Her style is almost photographic. Detailed. Precise. Exacting. She tells me that she is now starting to paint redwoods. Muir Woods aren’t too far away, she spends time there, taking pictures. Taking stock. The short skirt and low cut tops have been replaced by… Read more »
20 days ago
my neighbor’s cat’s anus tastes a lot like my ex-wife’s vagina. of course, my ex-wife was a cat so….
mindblown the fat shitskin
20 days ago
i don’t have any kids, but if i did, i imagine they’d look a lot like the dump i took this morning
a black dude eating bananas
20 days ago
the only good one is a dead one
20 days ago
What’s the name of the male actor here?
20 days ago
Ups.. I thought mino suzume, that cover really deceive me.
Her husband came home unexpectedly last night for a few days. A series of shows have been cancelled because the vocalist has been arrested on a felony charge relating to a minor. His next gig is with another band he plays in and they are going ahead as planned starting the weekend after this. In a way, I’m relieved. They have a nice house. She has a studio set up in the room at the back of the house facing the garden that has the most light. It’s big, but messy. Canvases. Some hung on walls, some on easels, some stacked against the walls. Tubes of paints and tins full of brushes. The floor is covered in plastic that is dotted with different colours. It has a distinct oily smell. The canvases are large. Typically 1m square and her work focuses almost entirely on the landscapes around Sedona. Lots of sky and red rock. No people. Her style is almost photographic. Detailed. Precise. Exacting. She tells me that she is now starting to paint redwoods. Muir Woods aren’t too far away, she spends time there, taking pictures. Taking stock. The short skirt and low cut tops have been replaced by… Read more »
my neighbor’s cat’s anus tastes a lot like my ex-wife’s vagina. of course, my ex-wife was a cat so….
i don’t have any kids, but if i did, i imagine they’d look a lot like the dump i took this morning
the only good one is a dead one
What’s the name of the male actor here?
Ups.. I thought mino suzume, that cover really deceive me.
Want to see Mine Reiko with Toru Ozawa
Day 51 of not watching porn and not masturbating
Boring look like old man material stuff
Need Yuna Hayashi back