[FSDSS-979] A completely positive mistress, a life of affairs where she pampers you to the fullest. Megami Jun
![[FSDSS-979] A completely positive mistress, a life of affairs where she pampers you to the fullest. Megami Jun](https://cdn.javmg.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FSDSS-979_1200.jpg)
Goro is trapped in a marriage where his wife has completely let herself go, and the best he gets are microwaved meals.
And for sex? Completely out of the question.
Goro looks beyond his unhappy marriage and wins the lotto, finding the perfect mistress: Megami Jun. A beautiful woman way out of his league who is always willing with a smile.
Kesimpulan dari JAV ini adalah disaat istri sah mu menolak bersilaturahmi kelamin, maka cewe simpanan jadi solusi :”v
Setiap hari hanyalah rutinitas monoton yang sama. Saat aku tiba di rumah, istriku menyajikan makanan yang dipanaskan dalam microwave, tetapi saat aku meminta berhubungan seks sambil mengenakan pakaian santai vulgar tanpa riasan apa pun, dia mengabaikanku.
Jadi sekarang aku telah memiliki simpanan impianku! Namanya adalah Dewi Jun. Dia menerimaku seutuhnya, meski aku egois dan punya nafsu seksual yang kuat, dan aku jadi makin ketagihan dengan tubuhnya, yang membuatku ingin melakukannya lagi dan lagi bersamanya. Dia akan melakukan apa pun yang kamu inginkan dengannya, dan dia berkelas SS dalam hal penampilan, keseksian, kepribadian, dan segala hal lainnya. Dia yang terbaik! :”v
Could you have the deference of posting in English?
Just use Google Translate if you’re that curious. Why are we even reading the comments section of a porn website?
I was here asking for his kind courtesy in allowing us to understand what he says without resorting to Translate. This will increase the spread of his message and invite more responses. Some of us appreciate the thoughtful discussions that sometimes take place on this very site.
Stres ini orang
Nyari beginian dimana ya bib?
So many shit skins here. Smfh
Hey admin there’s no last video of retirement of konan koyoi?
Dunno. Ill ask her tonight after she cooks my dinner.
is the blowjob before or after dinner?
admin enjoying evrything alone…
Let’s not talk about sad things (retirements). Let’s focus on happy events (debuts).
As of this writing, Seto Kanna is:
#1 in monthly actress ranking in FANZA
#1 in monthly video ranking in FANZA
#1 in weekly video ranking in FANZA
#1 in daily video ranking in FANZA
#1 in the real-time best-seller list in FANZA
#1 in the monthly series ranking in FANZA (Newcomer NO.1 STYLE)
#1 in historical Likes ranking in FANZA (almost twice as many as #2, over 50 times more than other newcomers)
#1 in monthly actress ranking per disk sales in FANZA
#1 in monthly disk sales in FANZA
#1 in monthly FANZA books ranking
#1 and #2 in weekly FANZA books ranking (different editions of her first photo book)
#1 and #2 in daily FANZA books ranking (different editions of her first photo book)
She’s been called the Ohtani of AV.
Objectively the biggest debut in modern AV history.
At least since Mikami. Need to compare the exact numbers.
And on the other hand you think anybody cares what you care about? Ponder on this for a second…
Already said in X and she’ll be focus on her career as a DJ.
Man, they hit the nail on the head with this woman, if she had debuted in IP it would have been even bigger, but I’m glad she didn’t fall into the shit of S1
She is lucky to be able to shoot with Goro.
Agreed with the S1. Boring studio
Bulet seperti buah melon 1kiloan:)
Jemvutnya dikit bnget, kenapa ga di kerok aj si
besar sial kopek megami
Bising la kau babi
wonder how many posts mindblown will post after wanking his smelly, wee brown shit stick?
only girlfriend mindblown has ever had is the bollywood doll he’s had since he was a high schooler
ugly a f lmfao
Goro is a lucky man
Always lucky. Bro be fucking all thse hot women ffs
and Jun is a lucky woman getting multiple scenes with the great Goro-san.
Fantastic! Jun has such an incredible body and you can tell she’s having such a good time milking Goro’s dick. Definitely bookmarking this one.
I wonder who the wife is in the beginning. She’s in a lot of Goro movies but never actually gets down on screen. Probably a voyeur who likes to watch as Goro pounds his latest fuck toy. Can’t blame her.
I can tell you really like to watch Goro having his way with these girls. I hope you’ll be blessed with many such movies, for I also hold him in big esteem.
It’s time for Megami Jun to pamper the great Taku again 😀
Not bad, good movie. 4/5
kecil kntlnya
You can be old, ugly, fat at the same time but if you’re japanese just join jav then you get to fuck all these hot women. Them japanese are lucky af lol
And as a woman you can be young and pretty and let old, fat creeps fuck you in public for money! That’s what i looks like! Cunts always want fast money, what you mean happens all over the world and not just in Japan (but most of them don’t get filmed^^). While many true women work on themselves, fight and make something of themselves, there are… well… there are always Miss Piggy-Primitives!! You always have the choice for this setting… There are always two sides – and you pussies are the real perverts in this game. As long as you fill the offer, there will always be an old, ugly grandpa who will reach for you beautiful young pussies…course of things! And today too many wannabes make millions and shake their silly asses in front of their dumb web / handycams at home and do a fucking shit in this world! inconsequential, unskilled and unlearned, but thinking they are the hottest! Just take, take – be greedy, become a gold digger pussy and even find this position great and celebrate it in life for other dumbasses, if possible on OnlyFans or other garbage to create their fucking clicks per day! … Read more »
what was all that rambling
Ngebokep mulu pantes badan lu kecil babi
Your home country sucks shit
Day 36 of not watching porn and not masturbating
potential actress
Kakek2 laqnattt
Coli tiap hari ketika masih singgle dan belum punya pasangan tu gamasalah, yg jadi masalah itu justru org yg gak coli pdhal dia gaada pasangan , wkwkwk lemah syahwat berarti
Where is dd stream?
what happened to doodstream???
Duhh sayang banget Cewek secantik ini kok di match in sama Goro. Come on masih banyak yang lebih baik Tony Ohki, Ken Matsumoto atau Jun Odagiri masih lebih baik dari pada nih orang
Goro terbaik lo itu , jugaan masi bnyak yg dia ewe lebih cakep dari megami jun, termasuk hoki tuh cewe njerr
Where are all the dd streams gone?