[ATID-356] REAL WORLD VIII We Discovered This Beautiful Half-Japanese Girl During A Meeting At A Family Restaurant!! We Chased After Her And Tried To Nampa Seduce Her, But She Turned Us Down Hard So We Decided To Take More Drastic Action And Just Fuck Her!! Leona Kirishima

[ATID-356] REAL WORLD VIII We Discovered This Beautiful Half-Japanese Girl During A Meeting At A Family Restaurant!! We Chased After Her And Tried To Nampa Seduce Her, But She Turned Us Down Hard So We Decided To Take More Drastic Action And Just Fuck Her!! Leona Kirishima

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441,481 views Posted: August 4, 2019

Reona Kirishima is a beautiful bilingual hafu that gets discovered by chance and persuaded to do more than she wanted.

[ATID-356] REAL WORLD VIII We Discovered This Beautiful Half-Japanese Girl During A Meeting At A Family Restaurant!! We Chased After Her And Tried To Nampa Seduce Her, But She Turned Us Down Hard So We Decided To Take More Drastic Action And Just Fuck Her!! Leona Kirishima

[ATID-356] REAL WORLD VIII We Discovered This Beautiful Half-Japanese Girl During A Meeting At A Family Restaurant!! We Chased After Her And Tried To Nampa Seduce Her, But She Turned Us Down Hard So We Decided To Take More Drastic Action And Just Fuck Her!! Leona Kirishima

[ATID-356] REAL WORLD VIII We Discovered This Beautiful Half-Japanese Girl During A Meeting At A Family Restaurant!! We Chased After Her And Tried To Nampa Seduce Her, But She Turned Us Down Hard So We Decided To Take More Drastic Action And Just Fuck Her!! Leona Kirishima

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5 years ago

Can you sub gvg-910? Thank you in advance

5 years ago

Is she ishida karen?

5 years ago

This of course is Karen Ishida. Will someone please explain why these JAV actresses change their names in the middle of their career, because I don’t understand it.

5 years ago
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different company,different name。

Lokesh malakar
5 years ago
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5 years ago
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My guess is that they’ve switched agencies or something

5 years ago
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It is often because they move to another agency. The name is owned by the previous one and they cannot keep using it (not all agencies pose such problems).

Other reasons include career reboots (new “debut” under another name, maybe after a long hiatus or extensive surgery) and SEO (name too hard to google for, confusing or with often misread kanji, etc)

5 years ago
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Some of them dont use their actual names; they use stage/performance names.

panda coco
5 years ago
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May be because they are at a different studio. different studio different stage name

3 years ago
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Trademark laws. Some companies trademark the dmstage names of their performers, so if they leave the company, they can no longer use that name.

5 years ago

Preview looks good, saving Karen-chan for later. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Onenight Stand
5 years ago

Wonderful posting, Admin. By the way, I saw a video in JAV Guru where a daughter in law is watching porn and masturbating when the father in law walks in. She leaves the Video on and goes out. When she comes back, the Father in law is watching the porn and masturbating. And then the daughter in law gets turned and they both go into a room and try out weird sexual positions against a cupboard. I searched for it for very long and couldn’t locate it. Can any guru help to find the movie code?

5 years ago

I dont know why but i cant watch any videos on this site anymore, my mobile works fine tho. I just cant click on any videos, weird

5 years ago

how many names does she have ?

5 years ago

where did you get that isabella? when did she use it?

5 years ago

Also known as Karen Ishida

5 years ago

cambian de nombre para no demostrar sus operaciones de cirugía antes de vender algunos millones de yenes en videos, por eso y nada más. nadie obliga a nadie a borrarse el nombre por un cambio de productora. es inconstitucional.

5 years ago
Reply to  max

They change their name to not demonstrate their surgery operations before selling a few million yen in videos, for that and nothing else. nobody forces anyone to erase the name for a change of producer. It is unconstitutional.

Gomu gomu no
5 years ago

Ishida karen ?

4 years ago

Any new video of her

3 years ago

sub this

3 years ago

Please have a MD Stream