Nonsense — she is unmistakable, and still as beautiful as ever. Her expressions and mannerisms (her smile, her enthusiasm) — along with her amazing figure and beautiful face — put her in the top echelon. She never completely disappeared, but she has been doing informal videos, not always under any recognizable name. I hope she is really back now. It seems her short-hair look was unpopular, and she had outgrown her loli phase so perhaps the industry couldn’t figure out how to cast her. Such a shame. She is a hall-of-famer in my book.
Bro, seriously? You think I am that loser troll? What the hell did I say that made me look like him? Seems you have been traumatized by that guy. OK, I retire from posting here. Too bad your troll won’t give up that easily.
2 months ago
wow seowon
panda coco
2 months ago
Once was the cutest creature to do JAV, now unrecognizable (still cute body though)
Holy shit barely recognizable
Nonsense — she is unmistakable, and still as beautiful as ever. Her expressions and mannerisms (her smile, her enthusiasm) — along with her amazing figure and beautiful face — put her in the top echelon. She never completely disappeared, but she has been doing informal videos, not always under any recognizable name. I hope she is really back now. It seems her short-hair look was unpopular, and she had outgrown her loli phase so perhaps the industry couldn’t figure out how to cast her. Such a shame. She is a hall-of-famer in my book.
Bro, seriously? You think I am that loser troll? What the hell did I say that made me look like him? Seems you have been traumatized by that guy. OK, I retire from posting here. Too bad your troll won’t give up that easily.
wow seowon
Once was the cutest creature to do JAV, now unrecognizable (still cute body though)