[DANDY-352] “Can I Get Laid If I Rub My Erect Cock Against the Ass of a Stiff Part-Time Wife on a Bus Every Day?” VOL.1 STREAM TVSTREAM STSTREAM SBSTREAM DDSTREAM LUSTREAM JK k2sRapidgator Movie Information: Code: DANDY-352Release Date: 2013-09-19 Category: JAV Director: Dandei YoshinoStudio: DandyLabel: DANDY Tags: Cowgirl, Lesbian, Married Woman, planning Series: Can you get fucked if you rub your erect penis against a beautiful lady's ass on a bus?Actress: Iwasa Ayumi, Otonashi Kaori Online stream: 12,259 views Posted: December 27, 2024
I googled looking for a Vol 2
Never got a hit no matter how I fiddled around
Perhaps they thought they’d film it, and never did?
This was the title I used in the searching
「路線バスで美淑女の尻に勃起チ○ポを SPECIAL 拒み続けるお堅いパート妻の尻に毎日擦りつけたらオマ○コできるか?」
What a wild sequence of events. And amazing character change for the “star” / lady protagonist Otonashi Kaori
This was Amazing
And since not all three idols who had sex scenes were tagged –
Here’s what the sougouwiki had for the actresses:
d音無かおりOtonashi Kaori
岩佐あゆみ (仕掛人) Iwasa Ayumi (shikake hito) (initiator)
立花美里 (パート先の同僚) Tachibana Misato (pāto-saki no dōryō) (part-time colleague)