Do you think anyone here is going to benefit from your preaching moments… even IF they were interested… they’re too drunk with testosterone to care… you are too guilt-ridden to think clearly. Meanwhile, you can tell yourself that you’re doing the LORD’S WORK while being here and catching little glimpses of sweet Japanese pussy is just a side benefit.
2 months ago
You are weird but God loves you
2 months ago
Admin, would it be possible to add actress & actor combination search?
kalo belum kena kontol papua ini perek gak akan pernah puas…
Coba sekali kali maen ke papua mbak, biar bisa merasakan nikmatnya kontol hitam besar ala OPM…
Steven Kupang Doyan Duit Haram
2 months ago
Kok ga ada terapis spa yang kaya gini di Surabaya……
Fake Tony, too funny
I like how you repeat what I said almost exactly the same way but a tiny bit differently. with same meaning. You are known.
Do you think anyone here is going to benefit from your preaching moments… even IF they were interested… they’re too drunk with testosterone to care… you are too guilt-ridden to think clearly. Meanwhile, you can tell yourself that you’re doing the LORD’S WORK while being here and catching little glimpses of sweet Japanese pussy is just a side benefit.
You are weird but God loves you
Admin, would it be possible to add actress & actor combination search?
Yes, it’s up.
Please test and let me know.
Works great! Thanks!
Admin deleted the discussion
kalo belum kena kontol papua ini perek gak akan pernah puas…
Coba sekali kali maen ke papua mbak, biar bisa merasakan nikmatnya kontol hitam besar ala OPM…
Kok ga ada terapis spa yang kaya gini di Surabaya……