[MDBK-036] Sex Training School with busty teacher – The second big title!

[MDBK-036] Sex Training School with busty teacher – The second big title!

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23,387 views Posted: June 17, 2019

This is no normal school. For starters, the teachers have such huge tits and they’re suspiciously attractive. Then, they put a lot of effort into the sex education class with some hands-on experience. No holds barred, all lewds allowed. Real sex-ed indeed.

[MDBK-036] SEX Training School The second big power-up!

[MDBK-036] Sex Training School with busty teacher - The second big title!

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1 month ago

ishikawa yuuna: T0 “star” “goddess” “idol”

prime whore, great big face squared but also extremely rounded, huge eyes that melt your soul, slightly S but also M, perfect combo, nice makeup/natural composition below the eye that just begs for some drilling, sucks the dick like the good old times (use tongue only and keeps the lips apart like a never ending devour action, sadly u can’t see her tongue job most of the time and when the tongue is outside the mouth doing that mind numbling fellatio work it’s not as stimulating visually nor certainly for anyone actually getting the treatment
T0 下眼皮卧蚕很丰满特别欠操 眼睛足够大 胸吗不算平胸 也绝对没有一丝一毫下垂 是真的 后入doggy啥的角度也会看到有逼真乳摇 可以说观赏重点可以放在脸上了 这骚逼的口交有经典味道了 现在的妹子很少空气含屌的 她还有很强的舌技(并不是那种精瘦狭长脸蛇精类的纯S妹子) 含在嘴里的时候可以看出来在疯狂微操鸡巴下面 这样可以算是一两次的外部从下至上舔的超级加强版本了 我估计一般人根本坚持不了半分钟 一般妹子都只知道硬吮 眼神交流都没有就知道搁那活塞运动 顶多吸掉嘴里空气把脸都给陷进去像个猴子一样观感除了很贱之外也没啥了 
欲望 满足 娇羞 撒娇 左右疯狂舌舔鸡巴的时候睫毛还一并疯狂眨着 简直太骚鸡了 从很下面的角度看或者仰头很后的时候看得到那种就是不再年轻了的那种被草多了风尘味 说不再年轻是因为好像年轻的时候脸上包括全身瑕疵浮肿少很多 更加典型的是美少女的味道 而不是侧脸比较妈味了虽然还没有完全到milf不过毕竟鲍鱼都是半个黑木耳了 里面的确还是粉红绯红为主的 但是的确不是里里外外嫩粉的了 神情和语言语调也是 欲拒还迎 装娇嗲 樱花妹子们是不是人均被干烂的时候都还不忘说不要 害羞 衣服都脱光了还害羞个屁啊 真是一帮臭母狗 贱婊子 鸡巴套子 精袋 骚逼 贱货

some might be turned off by yuuna’s slightly big/chubby nose and fat lips(esp lower) and certainly not leak cheeks. but i love it. a kawaii face with a voice and personality and techniques of largely a succumbus “御姐”
some of her manners remind me a bit of kim taeyeon.