She’s definitely not one of the actresses who the site had tagged. And she’s cute beyond description, and oh so easily identifiable. The little beauty spots, one below her right eye, one protruding oh so slightly above it, are darling.
Wished I’d recognized her on site. Didn’t. The AV-Wiki and Sougouwiki had nothing.
Had to actually go get my cell phone, point it at my laptop screen to figure out her name, using the Translate camera gizmo.
The caption at 2:12:47 reads 牧野みおな Makino Miona at its bottom line
Who is the girl at 2:12:57 & 2:15:41 (Tho i think its the same girl)
I would really appreciate any help.
She’s definitely not one of the actresses who the site had tagged. And she’s cute beyond description, and oh so easily identifiable. The little beauty spots, one below her right eye, one protruding oh so slightly above it, are darling.
Wished I’d recognized her on site. Didn’t. The AV-Wiki and Sougouwiki had nothing.
Had to actually go get my cell phone, point it at my laptop screen to figure out her name, using the Translate camera gizmo.
The caption at 2:12:47 reads 牧野みおな Makino Miona at its bottom line
Can the site tag Makino Miona?