Props to Henry Tsukamoto for being one of the last few guys in AA who dares to shoot outdoors and real locations. Although I still don’t get that in 2019 his films still look like they’re being shoot on VHS.
Can anyone tell me the full name of the first actress in the videos
2 years ago
All Henry Tsukamoto JAVs satisfy on multiple levels. The problem we have with them is that many releases were two DVDs {even though only 240 minutes}, and whoever has it has only uploaded one of the two DVDs.
1 year ago
Impresionante video hermoso excelente la mujer bella muy bella gracias GURU por dejarme difrutarlas gracias
1 year ago
Hermoso video mujer exquisita sexy DIOSA gracias por dejarme difrutar
Props to Henry Tsukamoto for being one of the last few guys in AA who dares to shoot outdoors and real locations. Although I still don’t get that in 2019 his films still look like they’re being shoot on VHS.
Lol yeah, that VHS feeling never goes away for good, and we almost in 2020.
Wow how u feel bout 2020 now lol
Who is the first actress??
Ayase minami
admin-sama, can we have a tag for vhs?
I don’t intend to post VHS.
Hey can you please share FTDS-018 … PLEASE
Good stuff. If only the pixels were less
Can anyone tell me the full name of the first actress in the videos
All Henry Tsukamoto JAVs satisfy on multiple levels. The problem we have with them is that many releases were two DVDs {even though only 240 minutes}, and whoever has it has only uploaded one of the two DVDs.
Impresionante video hermoso excelente la mujer bella muy bella gracias GURU por dejarme difrutarlas gracias
Hermoso video mujer exquisita sexy DIOSA gracias por dejarme difrutar
who actress in picture one?