Every last asshole will be dead all 15 plus the other participants in the rape and humiliation of Yukina Shida first in the train then the bathroom and in her school library and again in the library and the final humiliation in the bathroom stall all asshole pigs will be dealt with anniliation and swift extreme punishment is imminent Martial Protector is a loose canon non will be spared no mercy for those evil dirty assholes the fucking loser scum who took all those pictures as a blackmail he’s especially a dead motherfucker but Martial Protector will go after the leader first that dirty low life scum with the white mask he’s going down hard poor beautiful innocent Yukina Shida will be staying at home for a while from school until all assholes are destroyed permanently Martial Protector follows the white masked asshole to his home later he breaks in his home through a bedroom window sneaks up slowly as he watches tv Martial Protector pulls out a rope grabs the scum bounding him to the sofa Martial Protector says you enjoyed yourself raping that innocent schoolgirl well guess what I got some box cutters I can use right now… Read more »
Every last asshole will be dead all 15 plus the other participants in the rape and humiliation of Yukina Shida first in the train then the bathroom and in her school library and again in the library and the final humiliation in the bathroom stall all asshole pigs will be dealt with anniliation and swift extreme punishment is imminent Martial Protector is a loose canon non will be spared no mercy for those evil dirty assholes the fucking loser scum who took all those pictures as a blackmail he’s especially a dead motherfucker but Martial Protector will go after the leader first that dirty low life scum with the white mask he’s going down hard poor beautiful innocent Yukina Shida will be staying at home for a while from school until all assholes are destroyed permanently Martial Protector follows the white masked asshole to his home later he breaks in his home through a bedroom window sneaks up slowly as he watches tv Martial Protector pulls out a rope grabs the scum bounding him to the sofa Martial Protector says you enjoyed yourself raping that innocent schoolgirl well guess what I got some box cutters I can use right now… Read more »
Sane. literally.
her face reminds me of hazuki moe it is the same actress / different ??
Def diff