Slim sexy girl, and well made video. I’ve really been enjoying releases under the FONE label lately. They’re nothing spectacular, but they’re effective. And I hope the girl does more videos. But she’s unnamed at J*vlibray, so maybe she’s one and done.
6 years ago
Oh my god, I need her name
6 years ago
her name is : 手島知世 Tejima Tomoyo, she was also in HONB-110, SIRO-3635 and some mukd
Slim sexy girl, and well made video. I’ve really been enjoying releases under the FONE label lately. They’re nothing spectacular, but they’re effective. And I hope the girl does more videos. But she’s unnamed at J*vlibray, so maybe she’s one and done.
Oh my god, I need her name
her name is : 手島知世 Tejima Tomoyo, she was also in HONB-110, SIRO-3635 and some mukd
Thanks for this info. She’s pretty nifty in KAWD-848.