Why this girl keep changing her name, first eren shiraki, then hikari sakuraba and now this? Damn hard to keep up.
ben gridley
6 years ago
This girl is not japanese. Seems Philippines
Fuza Kenna
5 years ago
Shes not tamiya yui , shes sakuraba hikari (ellen shikari) ive been following her for a week in her social media accounts , she also went live a few days ago in her i.g
Why this girl keep changing her name, first eren shiraki, then hikari sakuraba and now this? Damn hard to keep up.
This girl is not japanese. Seems Philippines
Shes not tamiya yui , shes sakuraba hikari (ellen shikari) ive been following her for a week in her social media accounts , she also went live a few days ago in her i.g