Incredibly spectacular. I love that clumsy, sweet and charming touch she has. I wish she would talk more, she never talked much even in her movies, but that doesn’t matter much. 5/5
5 months ago
Gak sabar rilisan bulan depan adu akting sama ayahanda Toru
Beruntung banget jadi kameramen nya, fasti Otongnya manggut-manggut waktu syuting :”v
Babi kau setan
Incredibly spectacular. I love that clumsy, sweet and charming touch she has. I wish she would talk more, she never talked much even in her movies, but that doesn’t matter much. 5/5
Gak sabar rilisan bulan depan adu akting sama ayahanda Toru
Rill cuy gila sih
Wah jancok si yuuhi shidara/shitara pengen banget gw entot sampe lumpuh
Halah paling baru dipegang dia udah crot lu wkwk
Rumor she retire but she have a preview work with Ozawa next month then hiatus
Yeah. Mental health issues. Poor girl. I hope she gets a better life
Poor girl
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