Has been translated as Fucking Miniskirt, Crap Miniskirt, Shitty Miniskirt –
Would Darn miniskirt be better?
クソミニスカ2 パンモロ@ワ○メちゃん 4名
Kusominisuka 2 panmoro@ wa ○ me-chan 4-mei
Fucking miniskirt 2 Panty-Flashing @wa*me-chan 4 people
What does Kuso really mean?
(adj-f) damn (adds emphasis and or annoyance to next word, e.g. damn hot, damn kids, etc.); damned
na adjective terrible; awful; shit; crap
Kuso is a term used in East Asia for the internet culture that generally includes all types of camp and parody. In Japanese, kuso (糞,くそ,クソ) is a word that is commonly translated to English as curse words such as fuck, shit, damn, and bullshit (both kuso and shit refer to feces), and is often said as an interjection. It is also used to describe outrageous matters and objects of poor quality.
The Series Hyperlink that this movie hopefully will receive
クソミニスカ Kusominisuka –
Has been translated as Fucking Miniskirt, Crap Miniskirt, Shitty Miniskirt –
Would Darn miniskirt be better?
クソミニスカ2 パンモロ@ワ○メちゃん 4名
Kusominisuka 2 panmoro@ wa ○ me-chan 4-mei
Fucking miniskirt 2 Panty-Flashing @wa*me-chan 4 people
What does Kuso really mean?
(adj-f) damn (adds emphasis and or annoyance to next word, e.g. damn hot, damn kids, etc.); damned
na adjective terrible; awful; shit; crap
Kuso is a term used in East Asia for the internet culture that generally includes all types of camp and parody. In Japanese, kuso (糞,くそ,クソ) is a word that is commonly translated to English as curse words such as fuck, shit, damn, and bullshit (both kuso and shit refer to feces), and is often said as an interjection. It is also used to describe outrageous matters and objects of poor quality.