Ozawa is already 64. So he’s literary an old man. What are you talking about?
7 months ago
6 months ago
Do u have English subtitles of this movie
3 months ago
Did Miyu Oguri retired from Jav?
1 month ago
Ok so I thought Oguri Miyu just had amazing chemistry with Ippei and that’s why SAME-093 was a masterpiece. Seriously, if they give awards to JAVs, they should have gotten one. But apparently this girl is just really good at acting the father-daughter role. Scared, despaired, submissive, broken, and horny. She can just switch between like five different emotions on command.
Ok, Ozawa-san is not an “old man”. Middle aged, but not old. If they want to do an old man theme, they need to cast accordingly.
Ozawa is older than Yumi for 41 years
That true.. I have more stories for old man and young girl byt they don’t tske it
Ozawa is already 64. So he’s literary an old man. What are you talking about?
Do u have English subtitles of this movie
Did Miyu Oguri retired from Jav?
Ok so I thought Oguri Miyu just had amazing chemistry with Ippei and that’s why SAME-093 was a masterpiece. Seriously, if they give awards to JAVs, they should have gotten one. But apparently this girl is just really good at acting the father-daughter role. Scared, despaired, submissive, broken, and horny. She can just switch between like five different emotions on command.