Poor execution as always. The only thing that fascinated me is her tatoos, no wonder talented actress like her got no jobs bcs of that. Nice tats by the way
Nishimura Nina has a huge tattoo but they are usually willing to do the work to conceal it. I hope it’s the case with this lady too if that’s a big issue.
Actually she’s a veteran, came to the industry since 2004 originally named Sayo Matsushita better known as Shin in Ruby code FMR-043. In and out of game and then appeared 2022 in BKD-285 TKD-045 must be covered her tats by make-up until now
4 months ago
Amazing chemistry between these two. Tonga is the guy’s name and upcoming movie of hers is with him too.
Phil latio
1 month ago
They should put the tattoo in the preview so you know what to expect
Poor execution as always. The only thing that fascinated me is her tatoos, no wonder talented actress like her got no jobs bcs of that. Nice tats by the way
Nishimura Nina has a huge tattoo but they are usually willing to do the work to conceal it. I hope it’s the case with this lady too if that’s a big issue.
Actually she’s a veteran, came to the industry since 2004 originally named Sayo Matsushita better known as Shin in Ruby code FMR-043. In and out of game and then appeared 2022 in BKD-285 TKD-045 must be covered her tats by make-up until now
Amazing chemistry between these two. Tonga is the guy’s name and upcoming movie of hers is with him too.
They should put the tattoo in the preview so you know what to expect