[OYC-171] Graduation is near! Practice for a drinking party with my sister-in-law and her friends! My sister-in-law and her friends are about to graduate, so they start practicing for a drinking party

[OYC-171] Graduation is near! Practice for a drinking party with my sister-in-law and her friends! My sister-in-law and her friends are about to graduate, so they start practicing for a drinking party

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7,313 views Posted: June 20, 2024
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11 days ago

 No Shirley Temples being drunk here. The full title refers to drinking juice instead of . . . (Think I know why the site didn’t post the full title.)

This post was one more in my continuing User Submissions of Oyashoku Company / Mousozoku movies that the site hadn’t posted

Was discussing the choice among the better OYC movies with Bro after the last time the site posted a group of these requests. Bro thought the choices were boring compared to “what OYC does best, the whole blackmail/you’ll do as I say genre…” (See comment Bro)

But although Bro listed some favorites (Oyc-055, 086, 122, 272, 277, 305, 308), after reviewing them, I decided that the “blackmail/you’ll do as I say genre” wasn’t to my tastes. I prefer to see ladies being shown a good time, having a good time. So I went thru the OYC movies again, looking again for movies more to my liking.

Thanks again to AnonV for using the site’s User Submission feature in March 22, 2023 to request ([OYC-286]. That post led me to realize how many OYC label movies really matched my tastes.