[IPZZ-270] Beloved older sister’s sudden marriage… I, who went crazy with anger and jealousy, turned into trash and turned my sister into my own sexual pet until the wedding day! Kijima Airi

[IPZZ-270] Beloved older sister’s sudden marriage… I, who went crazy with anger and jealousy, turned into trash and turned my sister into my own sexual pet until the wedding day! Kijima Airi

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76,270 views Posted: June 7, 2024

[IPZZ-270] Beloved older sister’s sudden marriage… I, who went crazy with anger and jealousy, turned into trash and turned my sister into my own sexual pet until the wedding day! Kijima Airi
[IPZZ-270] Beloved older sister’s sudden marriage… I, who went crazy with anger and jealousy, turned into trash and turned my sister into my own sexual pet until the wedding day! Kijima Airi
[IPZZ-270] Beloved older sister’s sudden marriage… I, who went crazy with anger and jealousy, turned into trash and turned my sister into my own sexual pet until the wedding day! Kijima Airi

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Steven Kupang Si Penipu
16 days ago

Auntie Kijima still exist…

15 days ago

Rape has been an integral part of our society since man is man. Recent estimates indicate over one third, maybe up to two thirds, of the population stems from acts some would qualify as “rape”. Many of History’s most brilliant thinkers, scientists, artists… in short, the Greatest Minds, were what today’s sensibilities would consider as “rapists”. Followers of the “cancel culture” want them all erased from History, but they want it from the comfort given to them by these very people, using iPhones that wouldn’t have existed without them, and express this petulant desire with concepts and means the Great Men made possible.

15 days ago
Reply to  Mike

Rape has been an integral part of our society since man is man. Recent estimates indicate over one third, maybe up to two thirds, of the population stems from acts some would qualify as “rape”. Many of History’s most brilliant thinkers, scientists, artists… in short, the Greatest Minds, were what today’s sensibilities would consider as “rapists”. Followers of the “cancel culture” want them all erased from History, but they want it from the comfort given to them by these very people, using iPhones that wouldn’t have existed without them, and express this petulant desire with concepts and means the Great Men made possible.

15 days ago
Reply to  Mike

Rape has been an integral part of our society since man is man. Recent estimates indicate over one third, maybe up to two thirds, of the population stems from acts some would qualify as “rape”. Many of History’s most brilliant thinkers, scientists, artists… in short, the Greatest Minds, were what today’s sensibilities would consider as “rapists”. Followers of the “cancel culture” want them all erased from History, but they want it from the comfort given to them by these very people, using iPhones that wouldn’t have existed without them, and express this petulant desire with concepts and means the Great Men made possible.