[OYC-130] Shocking Erotic Drinking Party Video with Overly Lewd OLs who were too lewd with too much stress from work! A handsome man brought an OL who missed the last train to my house!
There are “declining returns” to trying to find the best movies the site hasn’t posted, and requesting them. Once I learned how to do a User Submission (with guidance from thiebault who got [FSET-803] posted while explaining to me what to do), was able to set about actually trying to fill in worthwhile blanks.
But after a year of it, the movies I’d loved are here. To do any more User Submits, I have to either look for good movies I’d never seen or react to someone’s comment to request a movie they mentioned.
I absolutely loved [OYC-163], and requested it thinking it was among the greatest AVs ever. Then the site only posted 2/3 of it, omitting Konno Hikaru‘s third/best skit, and hasn’t fixed the partial post.
But not all the OYC movies seemed as good as [OYC-163]. And don’t think I can reverse the “declaring returns” problem. I requested what I thought were the best ones first. Also-rans, as I see it, are all that are left.
But do you think some of the best OYC movies are still “out there” – yet to be posted on this site?
I wouldn’t call it boring by a long shot. Not ever.
It has two “King Game” skits basically, one with three lady guests, one with two lady guests, but like with any “King Game” AV, there are lots of daring/embarrassing/fun things the players command their friends to do.
There are Plenty of smiles from all five lovely idols, leg shots, up-skirt shots, all kinds of interaction.
To me, boring AVs are say, a movie with the plot – “a man and a woman who want to have sex have sex for two hours.”
I like a big cast, some dramatic tension. This had it.
Were you thinking of this movie when you used the word boring? Or perhaps some other post or posts?
(So. You don’t like King Game movies. . . To each their own.)
Was pleased to see that not one of the movies you listed has been posted here, which was pretty much what I’d asked f you’d do. List good ones that aren’t here yet.
I’d pulled the movies you listed up on the web, and see that I’ve never been aware of any of them. But since they’re among your favorites. . .
Perhaps you try to use the User Submission feature yourself. . . Write a description of them yourself if the site posts them. . .
(I wouldn’t want to steal your move, as Seinfeld said)
And curious. Since you remarked about “you’ll do as I say genre…” Which seems to me to be exactly what is done in a King Game. . .
Are you able to say why you find King Game movies boring?
King games was fine a couple years ago, but hunter has been doing it to death, and still does. That’s JAV in general tho, so no hate but I feel these offer nothing new.
I’m not that invested to submit anything, but if you feel there one with sharing please do. OYC was peak JAV to me, with maybe NKKD during it’s heyday in the mix.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re showing OYC love but damn why you posting all the boring ones?
When I was requesting these OYC movies, I watched their trailers to key in on the better ones, I thought, then watched them, then requested them.
I’d enjoyed the User Submission that AnonV had requested – the March 22, 2023 ([OYC-286] Father remarried without permission, and suddenly mother-in-law came to the house and suddenly started acting like a mother!) and probably in November, decided to request what looked like the best of the OYC movies that the site hadn’t posted.
Do you really think the posts since then have been “the boring ones?
And if you do, I’d love to see you list some of the codes for the OYC movies you consider the better ones.
There are “declining returns” to trying to find the best movies the site hasn’t posted, and requesting them. Once I learned how to do a User Submission (with guidance from thiebault who got [FSET-803] posted while explaining to me what to do), was able to set about actually trying to fill in worthwhile blanks.
But after a year of it, the movies I’d loved are here. To do any more User Submits, I have to either look for good movies I’d never seen or react to someone’s comment to request a movie they mentioned.
I absolutely loved [OYC-163], and requested it thinking it was among the greatest AVs ever. Then the site only posted 2/3 of it, omitting Konno Hikaru‘s third/best skit, and hasn’t fixed the partial post.
But not all the OYC movies seemed as good as [OYC-163]. And don’t think I can reverse the “declaring returns” problem. I requested what I thought were the best ones first. Also-rans, as I see it, are all that are left.
But do you think some of the best OYC movies are still “out there” – yet to be posted on this site?
And now to the defense of this particular movie.
I wouldn’t call it boring by a long shot. Not ever.
It has two “King Game” skits basically, one with three lady guests, one with two lady guests, but like with any “King Game” AV, there are lots of daring/embarrassing/fun things the players command their friends to do.
There are Plenty of smiles from all five lovely idols, leg shots, up-skirt shots, all kinds of interaction.
To me, boring AVs are say, a movie with the plot – “a man and a woman who want to have sex have sex for two hours.”
I like a big cast, some dramatic tension. This had it.
Were you thinking of this movie when you used the word boring? Or perhaps some other post or posts?
These are indeed hella boring and each one of these is the exact same as the others, just different actresses.
AnonV has it right, his request is a classic and an example of what OYC does best, the whole blackmail/you’ll do as I say genre…
Oyc-055 is a classic
086, 122, 272, 277, 305, 308… I mean the list goes on. I go back to these way more than anything.
All the runaways in my room ones are bangers, workplace harassment too
All the ones posted so far are borderline king game knockoffs, practically every single on of them.
(So. You don’t like King Game movies. . . To each their own.)
Was pleased to see that not one of the movies you listed has been posted here, which was pretty much what I’d asked f you’d do. List good ones that aren’t here yet.
I’d pulled the movies you listed up on the web, and see that I’ve never been aware of any of them. But since they’re among your favorites. . .
Perhaps you try to use the User Submission feature yourself. . . Write a description of them yourself if the site posts them. . .
(I wouldn’t want to steal your move, as Seinfeld said)
And curious. Since you remarked about “you’ll do as I say genre…” Which seems to me to be exactly what is done in a King Game. . .
Are you able to say why you find King Game movies boring?
King games was fine a couple years ago, but hunter has been doing it to death, and still does. That’s JAV in general tho, so no hate but I feel these offer nothing new.
I’m not that invested to submit anything, but if you feel there one with sharing please do. OYC was peak JAV to me, with maybe NKKD during it’s heyday in the mix.