I want to lick every single inch of her body, not like a Toy Poodle, but like a Black Labrador.
Dick Everhard
10 months ago
Oh no …. Is she the GOTM this May? I’ve never recovered from the trauma of discovering the dog video after hearing about it on Akiba. A few years ago, I became a huge fan having found her as Sarina Takeuchi and never realized she went by Risa Murakami earlier and then the shocker hit me … the dog video. I could never look at her the same way again. I got rid of her video collection and am still to recover from the trauma. 🙁
A true fan of hers will not stop being her fan because of that video, but rather recognize that she is such a beauty he’d still want to be inside her even after the dog.
10 months ago
This looked fabulous.
Was thrilled to see the second skit in the happening bar, where there were so many masquerade masks.
Love masquerade masks, and happening bar “public” sex. (And the shibari, the ropes in the scene were wonderful . . )
Can’t say I understood it all. But one can always take the time to watch again with a cell phone using Google Translate photo to figure out what all the written parts say.
And though I’d often wondered how the site figures out the names of the cast to tag the actors – there was no problem presented by this movie.
There was a huge cast list, in English, at the ending credits.
And credits for Muutan, Ojima Miyuki, Hiroki Motohashi, . . . well. No need to retype all the credits. The credits even listed staff. . . The movie was so elaborate – they probably all deserve the acknowledgement.
The best of Risa is she and dogs
I want to lick every single inch of her body, not like a Toy Poodle, but like a Black Labrador.
Oh no …. Is she the GOTM this May? I’ve never recovered from the trauma of discovering the dog video after hearing about it on Akiba. A few years ago, I became a huge fan having found her as Sarina Takeuchi and never realized she went by Risa Murakami earlier and then the shocker hit me … the dog video. I could never look at her the same way again. I got rid of her video collection and am still to recover from the trauma. 🙁
A true fan of hers will not stop being her fan because of that video, but rather recognize that she is such a beauty he’d still want to be inside her even after the dog.
This looked fabulous.
Was thrilled to see the second skit in the happening bar, where there were so many masquerade masks.
Love masquerade masks, and happening bar “public” sex. (And the shibari, the ropes in the scene were wonderful . . )
Can’t say I understood it all. But one can always take the time to watch again with a cell phone using Google Translate photo to figure out what all the written parts say.
And though I’d often wondered how the site figures out the names of the cast to tag the actors – there was no problem presented by this movie.
There was a huge cast list, in English, at the ending credits.
With her credited – as in the title – as Sarina Takeuchi
And credits for Muutan, Ojima Miyuki, Hiroki Motohashi, . . . well. No need to retype all the credits. The credits even listed staff. . . The movie was so elaborate – they probably all deserve the acknowledgement.
Loved this.