Surely as many haters as gallons of semen spewed for her. . .
10 months ago
Oh hell yeah!
10 months ago
Now she’s leading him on
And she’ll lay him right down
Yes, she’s leading him on
And she’ll lay him right down
But it could have been me
Yes, it could have been me
Why didn’t I say? Why didn’t I say?
No, no, no
She’s so swishy in her satin and tat
In her frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat
Oh God, I could do better than that
I want to repeatedly fuck her pussy!
hope she does more hardcore stuff now to make up for her age
uh she’s gone plenty of hardcore stuff
Surely as many haters as gallons of semen spewed for her. . .
Surely as many haters as gallons of semen spewed for her. . .
Pastinya haters sebanyak galon air mani yang dimuntahkan untuknya. . .
Surely as many haters as gallons of semen spewed for her. . .
Oh hell yeah!
Now she’s leading him on
And she’ll lay him right down
Yes, she’s leading him on
And she’ll lay him right down
But it could have been me
Yes, it could have been me
Why didn’t I say? Why didn’t I say?
No, no, no
She’s so swishy in her satin and tat
In her frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat
Oh God, I could do better than that
she hit the wall guys