This beautiful woman deserves to be raped. the boredom he experienced made him fall into ruin, the wild animal style of lovemaking that he felt aroused his instincts as a prostitute hunting for pleasure.
1 year ago
1 year ago
Hell yeah, let’s go bois. Best series
Yessu s
1 year ago
1 year ago
Love how the series has returned to the wife knowing what she’s getting into.
Reviewing the series Cuckold house, it started with Narumiya Iroha talking with her husband, feeling very nervous, embarrassed, about what they were about to do, wondering what the Cuckold house would be like. [NSPS-487] Cuckolding Mansion . . . was a 2016 “stand alone” favorite for years, until the series followed after it in 2021 with [NSFS-039] House of Cuckoldry 2 –
But the series got away from the wife knowing where she was traveling to, what she would be doing there, until [NSFS-187] (4K) Cuckold House 5 from 2023-05-23
I enjoyed the three movies, 2, 3 and 4 where the husband “tricked” her, bringing her without telling her what went on in the “Cuckold House.”
But really enjoy seeing the wife know what she’s getting into beforehand
It really was epic. I enjoyed reading it subtitled. Frankly, enjoyed this movie subtitled as well. But I’ve long thought [NSPS-487] was one of the best JAV’s ever made.
Tempik huntersss
1 year ago
Menyala abangku
1 year ago
Need English subtitles for this and more subbed videos of Mizuhata Asami
Preferred the first because of the wonderful nervousness Narumiya Iroha showed before the viewer knows what the couple are about to do, what they are about to arive at.
And because there were two women at the Cuckolding Mansion in that first movie.
Would love to see another installment with two women. Perhaps using the current plots where the lead idol arrives alone. But then with a plot twist where a nervous next couple arrive, and watch from a distance for a while as happened in the first movie in the series. . .
(Sure Nagae has thought of that. But wonder if it might one day be filmed. . .)
1 year ago
This looks like a return to glory for this series. It can’t get subs fast enough.
this sneaked by me until today! I had been wondering when they would put out the next installment, realizing it was time for a new episode.
487 was one of my all-time favorites, and yes with subs, they are even more epic.
I found a sub’d version, but out of respect, i try not to post links to other sites here. Just know its out there gents!
Read the subbed version, and enjoyed it. Including the dialogue as she mocked the old men there, toothless, bald, fat, etc. So he called his young subordinate from work, who was slender, good head of hair, who arrived, joined in, and the wife got into it. . .
Admin, Hope the site posts this one subbed. What a treat that would be, to read it subtitled well – translated the right way.
11 months ago
Just seen an English subbed version of this, and I have to say this is the worst one of the series. The reality has gone, and the interaction between the husband and wife comes across very fake… almost feels like a rushed job (the movie I mean, even though its been some 10 months since the last one). Sorry Nagae studios, must do better
Frankly, I loved the interaction between the husband and wife. But that was far from all there was to enjoy. The interaction between the wife and the men while eating and drinking, for instance, was wonderful, and was a big part of the movie.
Admin, Hope the site posts this one subbed. What a treat that would be, to read it subtitled well – translated the right way.
I looked for that subtitling after seeing your comment. Found a subtitled version that had lots of errors, but that wasn’t awful. Loved reading some of the dialogue.
For instance, the bit at 16:22, after she’s been shown the Cuckold House’s on line photos and description, and said her almost obligatory no, then relaxes to an “I’m scared”, then she shifts – interjecting “Can we take a closer look?” – and she leans toward the screen. . . 🙂
Also enjoyed reading the dialogue between the men on the bench, as the husband finds his subordinate had taken a photo of his wife and kept returning to it on his cell phone. Getting the subordinate to admit that he had taken the passed out wife’s breasts out, touched her 5 or 6 times, and then stopping the embarrassed subordinate from deleting the photo, telling him to keep them, keep enjoying them. Wasn’t what I’d expected. . .
I didn’t review the whole movie subbed yet, and it wasn’t a great subtitling that I found. But what I saw was well worth the watch, magnitudes better than most run of the mill JAV movies.
This beautiful woman deserves to be raped. the boredom he experienced made him fall into ruin, the wild animal style of lovemaking that he felt aroused his instincts as a prostitute hunting for pleasure.
Hell yeah, let’s go bois. Best series
Love how the series has returned to the wife knowing what she’s getting into.
Reviewing the series Cuckold house, it started with Narumiya Iroha talking with her husband, feeling very nervous, embarrassed, about what they were about to do, wondering what the Cuckold house would be like. [NSPS-487] Cuckolding Mansion . . . was a 2016 “stand alone” favorite for years, until the series followed after it in 2021 with [NSFS-039] House of Cuckoldry 2 –
But the series got away from the wife knowing where she was traveling to, what she would be doing there, until [NSFS-187] (4K) Cuckold House 5 from 2023-05-23
I enjoyed the three movies, 2, 3 and 4 where the husband “tricked” her, bringing her without telling her what went on in the “Cuckold House.”
But really enjoy seeing the wife know what she’s getting into beforehand
Have to admit the Iroha episode is one of my all time favorites, she’ll her turn into a lewd whore for cock was epic.
It really was epic. I enjoyed reading it subtitled. Frankly, enjoyed this movie subtitled as well. But I’ve long thought [NSPS-487] was one of the best JAV’s ever made.
Menyala abangku
Need English subtitles for this and more subbed videos of Mizuhata Asami
First movie in the series
[NSPS-487] Cuckolding Mansion -The Wife Who Was Turned Into A Sex Doll- Iroha Narimiya
And best, in my opinion, although I’ve enjoyed every installment
Preferred the first because of the wonderful nervousness Narumiya Iroha showed before the viewer knows what the couple are about to do, what they are about to arive at.
And because there were two women at the Cuckolding Mansion in that first movie.
Would love to see another installment with two women. Perhaps using the current plots where the lead idol arrives alone. But then with a plot twist where a nervous next couple arrive, and watch from a distance for a while as happened in the first movie in the series. . .
(Sure Nagae has thought of that. But wonder if it might one day be filmed. . .)
This looks like a return to glory for this series. It can’t get subs fast enough.
this sneaked by me until today! I had been wondering when they would put out the next installment, realizing it was time for a new episode.
487 was one of my all-time favorites, and yes with subs, they are even more epic.
I found a sub’d version, but out of respect, i try not to post links to other sites here. Just know its out there gents!
Read the subbed version, and enjoyed it. Including the dialogue as she mocked the old men there, toothless, bald, fat, etc. So he called his young subordinate from work, who was slender, good head of hair, who arrived, joined in, and the wife got into it. . .
Admin, Hope the site posts this one subbed. What a treat that would be, to read it subtitled well – translated the right way.
Just seen an English subbed version of this, and I have to say this is the worst one of the series. The reality has gone, and the interaction between the husband and wife comes across very fake… almost feels like a rushed job (the movie I mean, even though its been some 10 months since the last one). Sorry Nagae studios, must do better
Frankly, I loved the interaction between the husband and wife. But that was far from all there was to enjoy. The interaction between the wife and the men while eating and drinking, for instance, was wonderful, and was a big part of the movie.
Admin, Hope the site posts this one subbed. What a treat that would be, to read it subtitled well – translated the right way.
My first comment wasn’t posted, so that “Continuing” reads very strangely. Sorry. Will try to post it now, even though it will be out of order.
Hope you’ll allow for a little disagreement.
I looked for that subtitling after seeing your comment. Found a subtitled version that had lots of errors, but that wasn’t awful. Loved reading some of the dialogue.
For instance, the bit at 16:22, after she’s been shown the Cuckold House’s on line photos and description, and said her almost obligatory no, then relaxes to an “I’m scared”, then she shifts – interjecting “Can we take a closer look?” – and she leans toward the screen. . . 🙂
Also enjoyed reading the dialogue between the men on the bench, as the husband finds his subordinate had taken a photo of his wife and kept returning to it on his cell phone. Getting the subordinate to admit that he had taken the passed out wife’s breasts out, touched her 5 or 6 times, and then stopping the embarrassed subordinate from deleting the photo, telling him to keep them, keep enjoying them. Wasn’t what I’d expected. . .
I didn’t review the whole movie subbed yet, and it wasn’t a great subtitling that I found. But what I saw was well worth the watch, magnitudes better than most run of the mill JAV movies.
Duncscot, that was the comment that should have been the first part of my reply to you. . .
Thanks for commenting BTW
And enjoyed reading the last line – that they started to return regularly.
Nice to know how a movie ends
is there any other studio producing movies like this ??
Nagae has directed many movies for Madonna
If that answers your question somewhat. . .
But lots of studios have made Cuckold movies.
Really just depends what you mea by “like this’ . . .
Versi anal ?
What a director. What a series