[NSFS-255] Fulfilling Your Dreams: Sex Substitute Service 3 – Experience a Dreamlike Sexual Encounter with the Madonna You Admire! Arisu Mai

[NSFS-255] Fulfilling Your Dreams: Sex Substitute Service 3 – Experience a Dreamlike Sexual Encounter with the Madonna You Admire! Arisu Mai

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74,996 views Posted: February 12, 2024

[NSFS-255] Fulfilling Your Dreams: Sex Substitute Service 3 - Experience a Dreamlike Sexual Encounter with the Madonna You Admire! Arisu Mai
[NSFS-255] Fulfilling Your Dreams: Sex Substitute Service 3 - Experience a Dreamlike Sexual Encounter with the Madonna You Admire! Arisu Mai
[NSFS-255] Fulfilling Your Dreams: Sex Substitute Service 3 - Experience a Dreamlike Sexual Encounter with the Madonna You Admire! Arisu Mai

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1 year ago

Translating the cover seemed like it could be fun for this movie, pretty Arisu Mai’s first Nagae Style. But it proved a bit challenging

In HUGE Characters, the cover (per Google Translate) says

セックス Sekkusu Sex
代行屋 daikō-ya Agency shop –

Or does it?
 代行 daikō is supposedly agent or proxy or alternate – or perhaps surrogate?
屋 ya is supposedly shop. 
But there’s been no physical sex business or sex premise/store/place in any of the four skits in this three-movie series. He doesn’t hire any stranger from an agency. He and his coworker conspire about their mutual female coworker.
So what does 代行屋 actually mean?

I see the site went with “Substitute Service.” Think I like that. . .

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

More translating the cover
Right side column


Anata no yume o kanaemasu

Make your dreams come true

Or roughly word for word:
あなた Anata You
の no of
夢 yume dream
を o of
叶えます kanaemasu I can make it come true

1 year ago

More translating the cover
Left collumn

Akogareno madon’na to yume no yōna sekkusu taiken!
A dreamlike sex experience with your favorite Madonna!

Word by word, struggled to break it down because I don’t understand how の is used to nominalize the word next to it. But Google Translate gave me

憧れの Akogareno look up to
マドンナ madon’na madonna
と to and
夢 yume dream
の no of
ような yōna like
セックス sekkusu sex
体験 taiken experience

1 year ago

More on translating the cover
I often find Japanese things on studio web sites, get the Japanese characters from there.
Today, I tried to point my iphone camera at the back cover for this movie, and use the translate app.
It translated the characters that were written in sideways rows, but not the characters that were in up and down columns.
Anyone know? Is there a way to get the translate app to translate columns?

1 year ago

I’m was stumped. Asking, from other translations of the title:

How is there a Sex Agency in this installment of the series?

But I see the site went with translating to title to

“Sex Substitute Service”

In [NSPS-304] We Will Fulfill Your Dreams Sex Service Agency 2 Ashina Yuria , the dreamer paid two people (agency workers?) cash at 6:53
In [NSPS-123] Acting Sex Shop Will Fulfill Your Dreams , the dreamer paid the a man (An agency guy?) cash in an envelope at 9:00
Here, the dreamer works daily with everyone. He’s only with co-workers. 

Yet at 11:15, he takes some blue thing out of his closet. And at 13:30, he hands it to his co-worker / junior. 

What is the thing? A bank passbook for a savings account? Something else?

1 year ago

I’ve doubted the Google Translate result for that plot description where it read:

“However, that girlfriend also ended up marrying a junior. . .”

Didn’t see any sign she was married. No scenes at home, no wedding ring, no kissing. Just the guy crumpling in grief at the end to see the texted nude photo. . .

Studied the Nippongo/Nihongo original description of the plot using Google Translate


Shikashi sono kanojo mo kōhai to kekkon suru koto ni nari . . .

になり ni nari is supposedly “to become” per Google Translate.

結婚 kekkon prt Google Translate is marriage

Perhaps there’s only an engagement? The office applauds for the guy a few times, but never applauds for the couple. . . So – Not really sure about this plot.

But I’d love to read it subtitled.

1 year ago

Looks like this was at least Arisu Mai‘s second time (maybe more?) with both Goro and Tortilla Suzuki

Goro was with her in a group sex/gang bang scene in [AKDL-248] [Semen-Guzzling Friend with Benefits] The Wife I Met on an App Loves Semen and Always Makes Me Drink It After Her Mom Volleyball Practice

And she was the ringleader girl surrounding Tortilla Suzuki at the start of [HUNTB-657] I’m the only man on our private school trip! For various reasons. We desperately wanted unforgettable memories of school life

The site tagged them in those movies.

Wonder if there have been more . . .

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
8 months ago

The plot is amazing. Anyone suggest similar plot where the girl is blindfolded and don’t know who she fckng??