[JUQ-510] The Most Luxurious in the World! Madonna’s 20th Anniversary Commemorative Unrestricted Creampie All Exclusive Bus Tour! Part 1!
![[JUQ-510] The Most Luxurious in the World! Madonna’s 20th Anniversary Commemorative Unrestricted Creampie All Exclusive Bus Tour! Part 1!](https://cdn.javmg.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/juq510pl.jpg)
JUQ-510 commemorates Madonna’s 20th anniversary. Looking back, JUY-703 was the celebration of their 15th year, and JUX-215 marked their 10th anniversary.
This lineup is massive, featuring so many good actresses; worth noting that Maki Tomoda has also reached her 20-year milestone, and she has been in Madonna for a long while, too.
This video is packed with a lot of happenings and has a duration of almost 5 hours. Additionally, it appears that there will be a part 2 as well.
Fun. 5/5
Seharusnya ada slot untuk warga Indon dong, mereka harus sex semua.. Belum tau kalo di Indon ada suku jawir yg doyan ngewe, sampe slogannya makan gak makan asal kenthu..
Wajar jawir jadi pulau terpadat didunia..
Bangga jadi jawir kang ngenthu..
Idiot org tua mau mati lu bau tanah kontol lu kagak ada wkwkkw
Anak kontol bau tanah m4ti aja lu anak setan
Tolong dijaga ketikannya ya mas
tolong di jaga kontol nya, gak kasian sama kontol nya di cekik terus bang
wkwkwkwk bisa bisanya loh nyinyir di wwbsite luar astaga indo2
Setuju, banyak pelacur-pelacur jepun jaman now belum merasakan dahsyatnya kontol Jawa. Padahal hakekatnya Jawa adalah kunci. Mereka lupa kalo founding father kita ir. Soekarno juga memperistrikan pelacur Jepun. Ane yakin, sekali kena kontol Jawa klepek-klepek semua itu pelacur Jepun. Maka dari itu wajib kita slepet pelacur-pelacur Jepun itu.
Mantapppp…. Rasis dulu g sih biar keliatan edgy, aduhai mudah sekali negara ini di pecah belah. Ayoo… keluarkan semua kebencianmu anak muda
Emang Jawa ini bikin miskin Indonesia saja, sudah tau miskin masih ngentot aja kerjanya. Akibatnya satu Indonesia nanggung kemiskinan karena Jawa doyan ngentot dan buat anak.
so pinter lu semua, pada doyan coli jangan pada ribut lah kita sesama pencoli harus saling bersatu biar pejuh kita menutupi sungai yang di bumi wkwk
Ngetoooot truuus
Finally this is out!
Nice anniversary with my favourite actresses
Why did they have to mix a couple filthy whores into the cast though? (I won’t give names.)
Lmao. Drop names pls
Why did they have to mix a couple filthy whores into the cast though? (I won’t give names.)
Why did they have to mix a couple filthy whores into the cast though? (I won’t give names.)
Lol! Yeah do drop names. Surely you are NOT referring to the beloved Ai Mukai … or Mito Kana or Ayumi Ryo or Ririko Kinoshita or Yuki Takeuchi
There is a Part 2? Damn, can’t wait for that.
Another 4hrs + fapping 😀
JAV is Disney’s adult brother, so many Japanese actresses for just a few actors. Adult culture does not develop quickly with just the same faces. This is the dream profession.
Best Xmas Present. THANK YOU, MADONNA. May this studio going strong forever 😀
Happy 20th Anniversary Madonna! The most luxurious womans assemble!
This is heaven for milf lover
Milf heaven. Feels surreal to see names like Yumi or Marina still being in action.
女性たちが家に帰ったらすぐに検査を受けることを願っています 彼らはそこで本当にそれを混ぜ合わせました、私は驚きました!おそらくこの映画に出演した多くの女優にとって、それはまったく新しい経験だったと思います。このビデオは、この映画に出演した多くの女優に性的な目覚めを引き起こしたと確信しています。
Top Tier MILFs with below average limp dicks. some of the milfs are like god tier sexy. Mizuno Yuka, Kinoshita Ririko, Shiina Yuna and Tada Yuka are sexy as fuck!!!!
Enak kali
Anjay, kalau boleh ikutan, pasti ku kenthu itu Yumi Kazama
They are somehow so ugly..
Jinguji Nao???
Admin, English subbed version for this please…
¿Maki Houjou?.
she should be in Part 2 with milf hunter Yuki Yudzuru
oh my god this line up is incredible
Was there any lesbian interaction in this?
I wish there was at least 1 reverse gangbang scene like in JUY-703 with Oyoyo Nakano. Hopefully, part 2 will have one…
Bisa bisa nya gk ada Nao Jinguji
This looks great! I wish we get subs so we understand what’s going on besides the obvious. But why wasn’t Nao Jinguji and Maki Hojo a part of this? I wonder if Ms. Jinguji’s unique situation of being contracted to two studios came in the way of her participating here.
Need subs
subtitles please
Bang mau tanya daftar artis yang sudah menikah di film juq 510 anniversary Madonna ke 20 siapa saja bang ?
a whole sea of milfs who want nonstop sex and creampie, that’s disney brother
they really are an exclusive ball club that only Japanese actors can play in
Wish I was part of that. Would not need paying.
salah satu kenikmatan surga adalah pesta sek
Sial aku keluar
who is the girl at 04:15?
Isshiki Momoko grabbing Mukai Ai’s panties and taking a huge whiff lol
surga dunia memang di jepang
Momoko isshiki is 47 years old and sata mariko is 45 years old, both have kids who are young ,but still both of these woman are here allowing everyone to fuck them without even looking at the guy’s face or caring about their age.two crazy whores!!!
Momoko isshiki is 47 years old and sata mariko is 45 years old, both have kids who are young ,but still both of these woman are here allowing everyone to fuck them without even looking at the guy’s face or caring about their age.two crazy whores