Now it is time for us to get our magnifying glasses out and see what stage Little Lala’s Anorexia is at.
What do you think guys? Drugs? Dumped by a boyfriend? Pressure from the bigwigs at Zeal? Maybe the angry comments from Donkeysemen or whatever his name is when she weighed over 25kg?
Let us know what you think in the comments, also make sure to like and subscribe!
The Kudou Lala Land Podcast
1 year ago
Well don’t I feel sheepish, this is an old video. Should’ve known, no way Ichika would work with Lala in her current state.
Now it is time for us to get our magnifying glasses out and see what stage Little Lala’s Anorexia is at.
What do you think guys? Drugs? Dumped by a boyfriend? Pressure from the bigwigs at Zeal? Maybe the angry comments from Donkeysemen or whatever his name is when she weighed over 25kg?
Let us know what you think in the comments, also make sure to like and subscribe!
Well don’t I feel sheepish, this is an old video. Should’ve known, no way Ichika would work with Lala in her current state.
rara my love
Ichika-chan’s start at 3:02:08
Wbo is the girl in white bikini at 2:15:00
Kanon Ichikawa