[PRED-526] When I Took Care of the Fainted Teacher Miu and Sent Her Home… I Couldn’t Stop My Erection Because of Her Voluptuous Butt – Miu Shiromine
![[PRED-526] When I Took Care of the Fainted Teacher Miu and Sent Her Home… I Couldn’t Stop My Erection Because of Her Voluptuous Butt – Miu Shiromine](https://cdn.javmg.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/pred526pl.jpg)
Yuki Yudzuru is a student who harbors an unspoken crush on his teacher, Miu Shiromine.
One day, he encounters her fainting on the street and decides to bring her to his house so she can rest.
Yuki can barely contain his excitement at having her in his house and begins to have trouble concealing his boner.
A living room rape scene follows where he doesn’t even wear a courtesy condom, finishing inside her.
It didn’t end there, and the young guy has enormous stamina and keeps going. A surprised Miu ends up succumbing to the pleasure and orgasms harder than ever.
Sianyink Yuki sehari lngsng ngegas Miu sama Nene cooo
Dia kuat sehari sampe 7 wanita cok makanya dia laris karena dia perkasa dan sperma nya sekali keluar 10x lebih banyak drpda pria Normal wkwkwkwkw
sehari keluar 10x mati anjir
makan kacang ama air putih yg banyak sperma keluar terus
Njir kekuar angin doang kalo orang normal
Yudzuru dmna mana anjimlah
orang cikampek bang
Aku Jawa
And they lived happily ever after.
You look as pretty as always. women are so selfish they don’t admit they want to feel warmth! Yuki-kun I’m sorry was tempted to crush his pink crotch. not wanting to see her suffer from love, my libido eagerly gives, such an erotic dance in the warm womb, making her addicted to the warm cum, which she longs for!
pgn bgt pacaran sama miu anj
สุนัข ยูกิ ยุดซูรุ ข่มขืน มิอุ และยังคงเป็นไอ้สารเลวต่อไป
Gantian lah Yuki, masak kamu trus, saya juga pengen.
seandainya ane bisa jadi yuzuru kun seharian.. ane gak perlu coli menderita seperti ini
Ngebray mulu ni orang…
Miu Shiromine always releasing quality content and ensuring the day for all her fans. Beautiful woman. 4.5/5
hoki bgt, gue juga pengin jilat kakinya miu
pipinya mbak miu gemesin
muka cakep, pipi gemesin, rambut cantik, body mulus mantap, kurangnya cuma satu silitnya item, 9/10
Aku kasih dia 10
Yuki bangsat
Magnificent Shiromine Miu. What an actress. Her & Yuki combo is so good.
this is best miu AV so far and it’s been a long time, pretty sure yudzuru bring out the best of miu inner nympho/slutty side and yudzuru enjoying every part of miu body really really good
Anying 2 film miu yg terbaru ama yudzuru keduanya, dapet miu 2 film berturut” hoki emang
Mirip aura kasih ya
Cuma kurang semox aja
Rata2 indo yg pd komeng nih
Cantik² kerjaan nya begini
Cantik² kerjaan nya begini
Aku pengin jilatin memek nya Miu
miu sama riri cakepan mana gaes
Aku rindu sekali dengan miu
English sub
Hahaha miu i watch you again
Hello Miu
Cute girl
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