1:19:00 SMDH… Just because you’re creampie gangbanging a slut together, that does NOT mean you have permission to tickle everyone’s balls. That’s a surefire way to get most dudes not to bust. My prostate and seminal vesicles would go on strike the second a hairy knuckle touches my scrote. They’d shut down the highway and send the sperm back home to testicletown to regroup for at least a day.
I do like how the cameraman stopped that autistic creep with no boundaries, but fucking hell, who invited him in the first place.
1:19:00 SMDH… Just because you’re creampie gangbanging a slut together, that does NOT mean you have permission to tickle everyone’s balls. That’s a surefire way to get most dudes not to bust. My prostate and seminal vesicles would go on strike the second a hairy knuckle touches my scrote. They’d shut down the highway and send the sperm back home to testicletown to regroup for at least a day.
I do like how the cameraman stopped that autistic creep with no boundaries, but fucking hell, who invited him in the first place.