and they even had 2 species, northern the skizo, and southern the plastic fiasco
Uh Oh
1 year ago
Oh boy… Watch the comments blow up on this one again.
No-Homo Hank
1 year ago
What the birth of a nation is this?!?!
1 year ago
10% for the big guy
1 year ago
Only western idiots believe blackface is a thing. In reality nobody really cares if you try to change your skin color. People use whitening soap all the time nobodys saying anything.
Yeah, 100% this. There’s a reason they all use whitening chemicals (they should stop btw.)
1 year ago
who could imagine? Netflix making JAVs now
1 year ago
Jesus, this studio just doesn’t give a fuck are they?
The plain truth
1 year ago
I guess it’s time for me to give my standard little talk on RESPECT.
Americans you have to understand nobody gives a fuck about your RACISM HARDON. Other societies did not suffer from slave infestation. STOP imposing your prejudice on other cultures. RESPECT that other people do not give a fuck about your fixation on races.
Dumb ass take, “theres much more important stuff” can be said about literally everything else. If your wife gets ra__ped and you call the police, im sure they can say its much more important stuff. There more important things happening in America, nothing revolves around asia lmao
1 year ago
This is too funny. Am glad not many blacks or WOKE people arent into japanese
Remember it is white people’s fault she wanted to fuck lazy pieces of shit without rubbers. Our fault she didn’t care about school or work hard. We need to pay her reparations for all of it. If you don’t agreed you are a racist who needs to be silenced.
why didn’t they call a really black woman? when it comes to calling a black man, do they call and not a woman? not that i’m complaining to myself they can do whatever they want, does anyone know how to become a black jav actor?
hahaha this is fucking silly. Is this Japanese humor ? I take it is not to be taken seriously. I would love to know why they did this there must be some reason.
Because Japanese society is what you would call racist and therefore smart. They do not respect the darker races andwisely keep them out of their country with visa restrictions. I can go, though. I bombed and conquered them for that right. I took a warlike people and made them peaceful and their porn the best. God bless America and suck my big cock!
Sure…but our military bases are still in Japan, Germany, all around the world and you can’t make us leave. Your bases are not in my country because you are weaker than we are. In the end, unless you are allied with China and Russia, you will do what we want. Always. The American dollar is the world’s reserve currency. This gives us even more power over you.
It isn’t right or fair that fat ignorant people like us have so much power. But it is true. We can destroy your country if we decide you need some freedom and democracy brought to you. So hate us all you want, but your leaders, the people who run your country know who is boss. Me!! Lol
Nah, ameritards get played by other ameritards. There’s nothing anyone needs to do because you do it yourself. You guys are actively destroying yourself. I can just stand here with popcorn and watch lmao.
Calling people racist.
Honestly, that’s just nigger behavior.
American blacks are the worst. Expecting to scream ‘Racism!’ over and over to get free shit. Meanwhile, all other ethnicities and races work and study like hell to improve themselves.
?What free things do we get? and not yall screaming “WOKE” to get free shit lmao. “other ethnicites”? like poor moldolva, argentina, romania, basnia,south east asians, india,south america etc all those poor shit countries/ people. Yall took black american music, culture, make them work for free, bult america now your mad lmao . I had japanese 3some this week, while we talked about how much we love black american cuture. You Fucking incel
Yesssss. That is why they are good people with a good country. I am fucked because I took those people to work my fields, they became obsolete with machines, they multiplied and wouldn’t leave. Now they keep multiplying with their spawn wreaking havoc in cities all over me, taking tax money and committing crimes. We did it to ourselves.
It’s racist to have a those BBP movies doing Japanese lolitas or MILFs or whatever too. There’s overt racism in those movies. I don’t hear you American cuckolds whine about that.
Anyways, lets see if her next release has her beating up and robbing a 90 year old Japanese grandmother because CV19 was her fault.
Got to go brush my teeth now… with Blackie toothpaste.
I think that the brand name was Darkie, with an image of anAfrican American dressed as a minstrel show performer. 30-40 years ago, the name was changed to Darlie, with the same art work on the package.
Yes, you’re right. It happened when Colegate bought out the brand. It must have been a rude awakening for them to see their own racist American history thrown back into their faces.
1 year ago
Ave Av
1 year ago
Jessie, beautiful big tits Jamaican girl make comeback to please Japanese huge cocks. Yes, sex is universal language.
1 year ago
The actual ‘fucking’ seems boring which is the only thing that matters.
Smut is degen–they’re furries and strap-ons afterall. Just take it stride. Real tolerance, innit?
Joju Furoido
1 year ago
“Despite making up 13% of JAV videos…. “
1 year ago
The first video must be doing well in terms of sales hence 2nd video. But maybe doing the LA trip and hiring a real girl with a Caribbean background.
1 year ago
They did it again. No fucking way.
1 year ago
1 year ago
whats with the black face im guessing this is still being distributed and being sold?
This further proves that Japanese sensibilities contrast starkly with social justice warriors and anonymous wankers.
ah yes, because low-budget pornos are 100% representative of their culture. throw yourself from a bridge, homeschooled cuck
Insults are the last resort of insecure people with a crumbling position trying to appear confident.
The fact is blackface is no big deal in Japan. Stop imposing your narrow world-view on people who are nothing like you.
Just because it’s no big deal doesn’t mean it’s offensive. I’m sure slavery in America was “no big deal” at the time it was popular as well.
Ameritard really compared blackfacing to slavery lmao. Can’t make that up.
The point is that while it might be offensive TO YOU, it is not FOR THEM. In other words, their sensibilities differ from yours, “Anon” wanker.
The point is that while it might be offensive TO YOU, it is not FOR THEM. In other words, their sensibilities differ from yours, “Anon” wanker.
Slavery everywhere around the world yellow white black every race
Njirr sehitam kopi kapal api
Asu asu wkwkwk
Komen aja lah
jan rasis cok
asli cuy, gw mah ttp gw entot selama gak gay
Iya cuy, bener² hot
Lmao she’s doing it again
now THIS is podracing
finally!!!! Jessy is so hot 😀
Wow…these nazi allies learned nothing after being bombed into submission.
TRUE! Mofo forgot that these Japanese cunts sided with the nazis and did similar shit to Koreans and other Asian people. look up japan Unit 731
honestly, korean racism is worst than japanese
and they even had 2 species, northern the skizo, and southern the plastic fiasco
Oh boy… Watch the comments blow up on this one again.
What the birth of a nation is this?!?!
Only western idiots believe blackface is a thing. In reality nobody really cares if you try to change your skin color. People use whitening soap all the time nobodys saying anything.
she called herself Jamaica, what are you talking about this is really racially motivated
Yeah, 100% this. There’s a reason they all use whitening chemicals (they should stop btw.)
who could imagine? Netflix making JAVs now
Jesus, this studio just doesn’t give a fuck are they?
I guess it’s time for me to give my standard little talk on RESPECT.
Americans you have to understand nobody gives a fuck about your RACISM HARDON. Other societies did not suffer from slave infestation. STOP imposing your prejudice on other cultures. RESPECT that other people do not give a fuck about your fixation on races.
Mate, go to Balkans and you’ll see racism hardon. Or Asia for that matter.
You do realize that japanese people did in fact enslave people, just because they weren’t black doesn’t mean this isn’t insensitive lmfao
Delete this please. Thanks.
Damn, I can’t believe slavery didn’t exist before America was founded in 1776! Retard
It was colonized not founded
who asked? politic in porn comments btw. chronic mental illness online lol
Yo bro wtf
I hope it is racist. Because that is funny! Hahaha
Nobody cares in Asia. There’s much more important stuff.
Dumb ass take, “theres much more important stuff” can be said about literally everything else. If your wife gets ra__ped and you call the police, im sure they can say its much more important stuff. There more important things happening in America, nothing revolves around asia lmao
This is too funny. Am glad not many blacks or WOKE people arent into japanese
Just had a stroke reading this comment.
You clearly don’t leave in Japan then dumbass. I hope white and conservatives man babies get kicked out. BBC for the win!
am no racist but why?
Kalo buat jav yg rapi dikit bang
Die racist! Go to hell
I do not approve of sex with Untermenschen.
She looks like dogshit
Does she shoplift in this one?
No but she visits a welfare office with her 7 kids by 6 men. No respect!
That’s a start. I want to see her rap about white oppression while she loots an immigrants store.
Remember it is white people’s fault she wanted to fuck lazy pieces of shit without rubbers. Our fault she didn’t care about school or work hard. We need to pay her reparations for all of it. If you don’t agreed you are a racist who needs to be silenced.
Cope harder white cuck boy
Hitam banget njing, orang sakit yg nonton nih video
gw sakit, dah 2 kali ngocokin
why didn’t they call a really black woman? when it comes to calling a black man, do they call and not a woman? not that i’m complaining to myself they can do whatever they want, does anyone know how to become a black jav actor?
God,I love the Japanese
What a country!
I fucked a japanese girl this morning, they love BBC i LOVE JAPAN (except the dumb ass racists”
Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau has been photographed in blackface several times. Not once, or even twice.
Idiots still voted for him. I’m looking forward to the depopulation.
Also, yikes….
No scandal because he said he’s a “feminist,” so all the boomer women support him
When you got your Jamaican girl from
Bruh… Seriously, javs cannot make ma bird exciting anymore, pls replace the production team bruh….
hahaha this is fucking silly. Is this Japanese humor ? I take it is not to be taken seriously. I would love to know why they did this there must be some reason.
Because Japanese society is what you would call racist and therefore smart. They do not respect the darker races andwisely keep them out of their country with visa restrictions. I can go, though. I bombed and conquered them for that right. I took a warlike people and made them peaceful and their porn the best. God bless America and suck my big cock!
Bro. Everyone makes fun of Ameritards. The only thing they can do is eat and shoot themselves. Bunch of third world people.
Sure…but our military bases are still in Japan, Germany, all around the world and you can’t make us leave. Your bases are not in my country because you are weaker than we are. In the end, unless you are allied with China and Russia, you will do what we want. Always. The American dollar is the world’s reserve currency. This gives us even more power over you.
It isn’t right or fair that fat ignorant people like us have so much power. But it is true. We can destroy your country if we decide you need some freedom and democracy brought to you. So hate us all you want, but your leaders, the people who run your country know who is boss. Me!! Lol
Nah, ameritards get played by other ameritards. There’s nothing anyone needs to do because you do it yourself. You guys are actively destroying yourself. I can just stand here with popcorn and watch lmao.
Niggaz be mad hahaha
? Why, when get fuck japanese women all the time lol seem like yall are the sensitive ones lmao
“Tell me you’re racist w/o telling me you’re racist”
Japan: allow us to introduce ourselves
Calling people racist.
Honestly, that’s just nigger behavior.
American blacks are the worst. Expecting to scream ‘Racism!’ over and over to get free shit. Meanwhile, all other ethnicities and races work and study like hell to improve themselves.
?What free things do we get? and not yall screaming “WOKE” to get free shit lmao. “other ethnicites”? like poor moldolva, argentina, romania, basnia,south east asians, india,south america etc all those poor shit countries/ people. Yall took black american music, culture, make them work for free, bult america now your mad lmao . I had japanese 3some this week, while we talked about how much we love black american cuture. You Fucking incel
Yesssss. That is why they are good people with a good country. I am fucked because I took those people to work my fields, they became obsolete with machines, they multiplied and wouldn’t leave. Now they keep multiplying with their spawn wreaking havoc in cities all over me, taking tax money and committing crimes. We did it to ourselves.
You Fucking incel. BBC for japanese! &_&
No way she did this twice…
It’s a shame Takarada feels the need for this. I deleted your videos the first time you pulled this shit. Ta-ta, bitch!
I hope Trump can watch this from jail
Lets hope he gets 20 years or so.
Lets hope he get 50 lol
Lol fuck that’s funny! XD
Lol. They’d rather paint a Japanese woman black than use an actual black whore. Prob cuz they pussy stank, unlike fresh and tasty Japanese twats
True! They want to keep AIDS out too!
You Fucking incel
She looks utterly and completely ridiculous.
It’s racist to have a those BBP movies doing Japanese lolitas or MILFs or whatever too. There’s overt racism in those movies. I don’t hear you American cuckolds whine about that.
Anyways, lets see if her next release has her beating up and robbing a 90 year old Japanese grandmother because CV19 was her fault.
Got to go brush my teeth now… with Blackie toothpaste.
I think that the brand name was Darkie, with an image of anAfrican American dressed as a minstrel show performer. 30-40 years ago, the name was changed to Darlie, with the same art work on the package.
Yes, you’re right. It happened when Colegate bought out the brand. It must have been a rude awakening for them to see their own racist American history thrown back into their faces.
Jessie, beautiful big tits Jamaican girl make comeback to please Japanese huge cocks. Yes, sex is universal language.
The actual ‘fucking’ seems boring which is the only thing that matters.
Smut is degen–they’re furries and strap-ons afterall. Just take it stride. Real tolerance, innit?
“Despite making up 13% of JAV videos…. “
The first video must be doing well in terms of sales hence 2nd video. But maybe doing the LA trip and hiring a real girl with a Caribbean background.
They did it again. No fucking way.
whats with the black face im guessing this is still being distributed and being sold?
Wujud Aseli Kobo
Holy fuck, they did it AGAIN!!!
Time to drop a third nuke
Hahahaha this is super funny.