[GRCH-189] 7 LOVES vol. 1

[GRCH-189] 7 LOVES vol. 1

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48,304 views Posted: May 9, 2018

I loved the first scene so much. Dat Bromance by the beach, drinking beers and talking shit, lol.
I found this JAV movie to be rather unusual and amusing, it’s a multi-scene JAV and with Mei Matsumoto by the end, so that does it for me.

[GRCH-189] 7 LOVES vol. 1

[GRCH-189] 7 LOVES vol. 1

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6 years ago

We need subs for this!

Ainz Sama
6 years ago


2 years ago

Thank you

6 years ago

OMG, this is actually the first Girl’s CH film I’ve seen and I binge-watched all 3 hours of it despite not getting half the story due to my lack of Japanese. That first sex scene with Hibiki Otsuki is pretty much the closest to the term “making love” in an AV I’ve seen (AVOP-060 with Iori Kogawa is a close second).

5 years ago

Admin, please reupload this! My eternal gratitude